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Moss wakes up with the lingering taste of alcohol in his mouth and an arm around his waist. He feels hot all over and a headache is forming from the hangover he's currently experiencing. Shifting from his position in the bed causes the hockey player next to him to wake up and immediately start groaning about his own hangover.

They sit there for a minute, unmoving as they brace themselves for the daunting task that is getting up in their current states of dishevelment.

"I'm never drinking with you again," Moss whispers, trying to hold down bile that is attempting to crawl its way up his throat.

Tye groans again, "I'm never drinking with you again. Fuck, my head- you're an enabler. I swear I was going to be done after the wine."

"Just because I order another drink doesn't mean you have to get one too," he argues halfheartedly.

"Whatever. Let me rinse off in the shower and down a bottle of water," Tye stands shakily. "I should be sobered up and ready to go after that."

While Tye is in the shower, Moss wonders if it was weird that they fell asleep next to each other. He's kind of new to the world of adult friendships so he can't decide whether or not it was an unusual thing for them to do.

Nevertheless, he puts his pants back on and sips at a bottle of gatorade from one of the vending machines outside their room. His headache is finally beginning to subside as they head to the car. However, it's not until Tye stops at a drive-thru to get them breakfast sandwiches and coffee that he starts to feel like a human again.

Moss feels content drinking his coffee in the passenger seat as they listen to another one of his playlists in a comfortable silence.


It's around 1:00 PM when they arrive back at Tye's house. Moss quickly heads to the guest room to shower and change out of his clothes while Tye checks his messages and any calls that he missed while they were out.

Moss is heading to the kitchen when Tye wraps up on his phone and announces that he's getting a real shower because he still feels gross after just rinsing off at the ski lodge.

Digging through Tye's refrigerator, he finds wrapped chicken that look like it has been thawing on a baking sheet. Moss takes it out of the fridge and begins seasoning and cooking it while preparing salads on the side. By the time Tye returns, the chicken just needs to be cut and placed on each salad.

"What smells so good in here?" He questions entering the kitchen.

"I was getting hungry again and you need to eat before you leave later so I made two chicken salads," Moss responds. He then looks down at what he prepared, "I think this should be okay for you to eat on a game day.... right?"

After assessing the contents of the salad, Tye smiles down at him, "This is a perfect pregame meal. Thanks, MoMo."

They decide to eat lunch at the counter so Moss settles down on one of the fancy, leather swivel stools next to Tye.

"What are your plans for the holidays?" Tye asks as they start eating.

Moss sighs, not wanting to think about the holidays and his family right now. Despite the dread that he feels at even just the mention of the subject, he responds, "My dad is Jewish and my mom is Catholic so we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. Thursday was actually the first day of Hanukkah so my parents have been sending picture updates of the menorah at their house everyday."

"Shane mentioned before that your family celebrates Hanukkah. I completely forgot about that, I'm so sorry. I could've done something for you when you got here," Tye looks guilty as he rambles on about his self-proclaimed terrible memory.

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