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It's Friday, April 19th and Moss has been in Denver for two days now.

The Boulders will play the Houston Hogs in the Conference Quarterfinals with their first game being on Sunday. Moss is buzzing with excitement, ready to cheer on his boyfriend in the first round now that he can attend all of the home games for the next two weeks.

Since he's arrived in Colorado Tye has been very clingy- which is not necessarily a bad thing, according to Moss. The defenseman is away a lot of the time for practice, video review and media because of the playoffs which are quickly approaching. When he returns home, however, he practically glues himself to Moss.

Moss notices that he can't leave a room without the hockey player subconsciously following after him like a puppy. Tye is nearly always touching him as well. Whether he is laying on him, holding his hand or kissing him- Tye, without fail, will find a way to be in contact with his boyfriend.

No one has ever been this fond of Moss in his entire twenty-four years of life, so he revels in the constant affection that comes with the two week visit.

They are scrolling on their phones while HGTV plays on the TV in the background when Tye's phones starts to vibrate, alerting him that he is receiving a call.

Tye had pulled Moss onto his lap awhile ago, so Moss rolls his head onto Tye's shoulder to get a better look at who is calling. He sees a flash of the phone that tells him that Lars is the one interrupting their peace and quiet.

"Hey, what's up?" Tye answers the phone.

Moss can't hear what Lars is saying on the other end, but his boyfriend responds, "I didn't mean to hoard him. He just got here the other day."

There's more talking on the other end that makes Tye roll his eyes. Eventually, Lars must get to the point of why he is calling because Tye seems to tune in a bit more.

"Yeah, totally- that sounds like fun. What time do you want us to come over?" He asks.

"Mhm," Tye acknowledges whatever is being said while rubbing Moss' arm soothingly. "Sounds like a plan. We'll be over at six o'clock then."

Tye and Lars say their goodbyes and Moss looks at him expectantly.

"I sent a picture of our lunch from today to Addie since she likes trying out new recipes, but she noticed you in the corner of the picture," he explains. "Lars wanted to know if you were back in town and invited us over for dinner tomorrow."

Moss hums in acknowledgment while playing with Tye's fingers on the hand that isn't holding his phone. "That'll be fun. We should bring an appetizer or something." They look up easy appetizers online and decide to try some sort of cheesy dip that everyone, including the picky Larsson kids, will like.

"What do you think about possibly telling Lars and Addie about us tomorrow?" Tye asks after taking a screenshot of the ingredients that they will need for the dip.

Moss must have a look of panic in his eyes because Tye quickly tries to reassure him with an explanation, "They're both great people- obviously you know that from hanging out with them. But they're also, like, super supportive of the LGBT initiatives that the team participates in and would keep it on the down low if we asked them to."

"I'm still a little nervous, but you're right. They would be a good choice of people to come out to first," Moss replies hesitantly.

Tye gives his hand a gentle squeeze, "You can think about it tonight- we don't need to rush into any decisions. I just thought this might be a good time to tell them if you wanted to."

"I don't need to think about it," Moss says decisively. "I want us to tell Lars and Addie tomorrow. It'll feel good knowing we don't have to be secretive around them. And if it goes well.... maybe we can talk about telling more people."

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