Chapter Eleven

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*Tom Riddle-Gaunt*

I stayed half a step behind Hadrian as he nearly skipped down the dark stair leading to the basement of the robe shop we just left.

"I can feel you thinking," Hadrian said spinning to look at me when he hit the bottom step. "What is it?"

"How did you know about this place?" I asked voicing the question that had been bouncing around my head since he had dragged me into Knockturn. "I thought you would have been kept away from this alley."

"They tried," he said. "My first trip to Knockturn was an accident, the first time using floo travel and I ended up in one of the dark artifact shops. I was intrigued so when I would go school shopping I would disappear down here to explore."

"Makes sense," I said still confused but ignored it as he knocked on the door I tensed when it was cracked open, and a male voice hissed.

"What do you want?"

"Daliah said we could find Caspain here," Hadrian said with a hard voice the door slammed shut before opening again and we were ushered in.

"Sorry about that," the man said. "I am Caspian, how can I help you, boys?"

"I hear you can fix wands?" Hadrian said pulling his out of his pocket and I winced knowing that wasn't the safest place to store it. "I have been having trouble casting spells with my wand the last couple of years and I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to fix that."

"Child, it is a wonder you can cast any spells at all," the man said glaring like the wand had offended him. "I can feel all of the blocks placed on it and the base is starting to crack from all the core build-up. Complete garbage."

"Is it fixable?" Hadrian asked.

"Fixable by changing the core to a new base," the man said before turning to me and I tensed. "Show me your wand. You people only come to me if their wands are broken."

I hesitantly handed him my wand knowing my wand was extremely recognizable and was afraid of how he would react.

"Twin cores and equal amount of damage," he cursed and I stared at him. "Give me a moment and I will return. Feel free to look around."

"Okay then," Hadrian said as the man disappeared behind a curtain. "Wanna look around? I need a new holster mine was falling apart when I bought it second year."

"He said our wands had twin cores," I said following Hadrian over to a stand that had different hosters on it. "What did he mean by that?"

"They were made with matching phoenix feathers," Hadrian said as he picked up a wrist and thigh holster. "It's Fawkes feathers to be precise about it. So the fake prophecy was right about one thing we were connected in a way."

"Fake prophecy?" I asked confused.

"I'll explain it later," Hadrian said as the older man returned to the room.

"Cast a small spell," the man said and Hadrian grabbed his wand and I watched him cast a levitation spell.

"Whoa," Hadrian grinned. "I can feel my magic now. Tom try yours."

"Don't tell me what to do," I huffed before copying his spell and was startled by the rush of magic that I felt run up my arm. "Whoa."

"Told ya," Hadrian laughed before turning to the man. "How much do we owe you?"

"20 gallons," he said and Hadrian handed him the money and we quickly left.

"Anywhere you want to go before we go and wait for the others?" Hadrian asked as we came out of the alley.

"The note your friend left you said something about a new headquarters," I said. "Are your friends not returning to their homes?"

"Nope," Hadrian said. "This summer last time they basically lived at Grimmauld Place because Mione didn't think returning to her muggle parents' house was safe because of all the death eaters committing mass murder and Ron stayed with her cause his parents were-are very active in Order business. My aunt and uncle are abusive so I'm not going back there ever again."

"Oh," I said looking down as we walked back towards Diagon Alley.

"And if I know what Mione is thinking we are going to go over all of our properties and find one that would be big enough and safest for all of us to hide out in and plan our next move," Hadrian said. "So if you want to go get Nagini you can we still have thirty minutes before the other get back."

"You want me to stay with you?" I asked stopping confused.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked turning to stand in front of me. "We all forgave you and you haven't done anything to harm us of your own will. Besides, if we are going to stop that bastard we need to be working and making a plan together and that's kind of hard to do if we aren't living together. And I think my mama would get mad at me if I let you live at that falling apart cabin."

"You are so strange," I mutter before straightening my shoulders. "I will meet you at the sweets shop after I retrieve Nagini."

"What type of ice cream do you want?" Hadrian asked with a grin. "That way when you get here it's waiting 'cause the line is always long."

"Mint chocolate," I said before disappearing back to my family cabin.

"Master, you are back," Nagini hissed as she slithered over to me.

"Yes Nagini," I smiled down at my precious familiar. "We are going to be living somewhere else."

"Hackling is helping," she hissed. "Hatchling is kind, unlike the others."

"Yes he is," I smiled softly. "I have to go back and meet him so you will have to go with me. I will need to shrink you for a little while so we don't cause a panic."

"Okay," she hissed upset and I smiled sadly knowing she didn't like being shrunk magically but I was out of the potions to do it. I did the charm quickly before I picked her up and wrapped he around my neck and rushed over to the small office that had most of my journals from school and from before my body had been destroyed. Making sure I had everything I apparated back to Diagon Alley and made my way to the ice cream shop and spotted Hadrian sitting at one of the outside tables.

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