Chapter Eighteen

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*Hadrian Potter*

After returning to the manor Ron, Mione, Tom, and I took refuge in one of the empty offices on the first floor.

"Okay, so if we are going by the last timeline Pettigrew would be at the riddle cabin," Mione said.

"We have changed that because Tom is here and not there," I said as I started pacing. "Last time Pettigrew was too scared to leave Voldemort's side. There is no Voldemort this time around so he won't be able to hide for long. Just need to figure out where he would hide."

"Knockturn," Ron said. "He could be hiding out around Knockturn to find more death eaters. The only problem is us exploring would draw attention."

"Polyjuice potion," Mione said and I stopped pacing to look at her. "I still have enough for two people. Ron and I will look around to see if we can find anything out. You two can stay here and wait for Remus and Severus."

"I don't like this plan," I said pausing.

"It's the best one we have right now," Mione said. "Malfoy will tell the other Death Eaters and they will be looking for the two of you. Besides, if something goes wrong we can apparate better than you."

"Using a polyjuice potion with a notice-me-not charm will give you better protection," Tom said. "Besides I had something I wanted to show you, Hadrian."

"Fine," I groaned. "Promise you'll be careful."

"We promise," Ron said and I nodded still feeling uneasy with this plan but didn't say any more as they left the office."

"They will be fine," Tom said and I huffed.

"I know that. After all of the shit we have gone through they are the most capable people to get something done. But they were the first people to show me what family was supposed to be and I don't want to lose them."

"Understandable," Tom nodded. "I had someone like that and then I lost them. Love is a powerful emotion."

"Yeah," I sighed. "What did you want to show me?"

"It's about the magic-bound prophecy," Tom said and I walked closer to him as he summoned a book. "I was reading one of Salazar Slytherin's journals and he explained that he and his magic-bound brother were stronger together and how they wanted to make a difference."

"Okay," I said confused but listened to him explain.

"In the last entry, he wrote that the prophecy wasn't going to be fulfilled because he and his brother weren't going to survive to see the next day so he left a surprise at his estate for the next prophecy holders. We need to go to his estate and find what he left. Perhaps it could help us learn more about what we are supposed to do."

"We don't even know where his estate is," I said and Tom muttered something under his breath before walking out of the office and I quickly followed after him. "Tom?"

"There should be a book somewhere explaining how to find it," Tom said as he ran up the stairs with me right behind him. "I remember reading about it. I just don't remember the exact directions. Said something about the box will reveal the truth."

"Wait," I said grabbing his sleeve and jerking him to a stop. "Did you just say box?"

"Yes," Tom said. "The cherry box with the phoenix symbol will reveal the truth."

"I think I have that box," I said and ran to my room leaving Tom standing on the stairs. sliding to a stop in front of my open trunk I rummaged through it until I found the box with the phoenix lock on it. Turning around I found Tom standing behind me, "Look, it's got a phoenix lock and a snake and lion emblem on it."

"That's it," Tom gasped, and I held the box as he ran his figures over the gold emblems before whispering in parseltongue, "Salazar Slytherin estate.'

"Nothing happ..." I started but nearly swallows my tongue as the room started spinning and I felt like I was being pulled in every direction before everything went dark.

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