Chapter 28

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" My suspicion started , when Jin went to meet Chaewon and I had fainted there . You found me and brought me back , without being noticed by Chaewon .
Later , I gave you some tasks to do and I you did them to perfect for a innocent little servant boy . Did you kill the daughter of that town governor Han? Did you also kill Namjoon's servant? Every night you run of to the empress her about my every move , everything that happens between me and Jin . Putting all kinds of medicines in the pregnancy prevention medicine to get me pregnant , you really think of me as a fool huh? " Haeun saif through gritted teeth , Jungkooj stopped struggling against her and looked in her eyes as smirk crept on his face .

" Since you already know all this why bother asking me? And since you just took my first kiss , the consequences for that would be severe . Do you that town governor Han's daughter , because she touched me with her disgusting hands , I chopped it off and planted it in a flowed pot as a decoration . As for that trashy servant of Namjoon , his bones currently must being chewed by the emperor's pet dog " Haeun scoffed and his eyes shined with a glint of sadism .

" Who would've though under this cute and innocent facade is a sadist guy "
Jungkook chuckled darkly as he put his hand on her waist " Since you already seen through my act , are you not afraid what I will do to you? " Haeun smirked and left him " If you have the guts , try it" Jungkook frowned when his body trembled as he felt losing control over his body . Sweat drops appeared on his forget as he felt on his knees .

' The effect of the medicine are kicking in...damn it ! This time to get her to sleep with Namjoon I added twice the amount of medicine in the pregnancy prevention medicine ' he looked at his hands as they shivered and his eyes blurred ' My body doesn't have any strength , why does my body feel so weak but..? '

" I knew If I chose Namjoon , you will add some shit in the medicine , that's why I added some numbing medicine in it too , it will make you mind foggy and losing your strength "

She held his chin as she made him look up at her and leaned closer to his face.
" Little bunny , you will be at my mercy until tomorrow morning " Jungkook fainted as he leaned against her body as Haeun smirked .

Jungkook wokeup as he blinked to clear his sight , he recognized that it was Haeun's  room . He tried moving but his body felt too weak and his hands were tied behind his back while he was leaning against the headboard .

" Finally You woke up " He looked up and saw Haeun smirking at him as sat on the couch with a glass of wine in her hand " Let's not waste anymore time ! Tell me , Who are you? What did the empress told you to do? You better tell me the truth or..." she was cut off by Jungkook as he chuckled " Or? Or what? You can't do shit , yeah unless you bring Yoongi hyung here to help you " he laughed and shook his head " I never had been interrogated like this , it's fun"

Haeun gritted her teeth as her eyes darken , Jungkook stopped laughed when he was suddenly pulled forward , her face was inches away from his .
" You want to be interrogated huh? Okay" she left him and he fell on his front , Haeun smirked and spanked on his ass . His head shot up at her and she grinned back at him " Put that ass up little bunny " Jungkook glared back at her as he tried to move , Haeun chuckled as she got on the bed and pulled him up by the waist and held his head down against the bed " 10 spanks for being a little brat " .

Jungkook's eyes widen and he tried to look back but couldn't move his head as Haeun was holding him down , she pulled his pants off . He heard as she chuckled and a sting felt on his ass , Haeun spanked him again and frowned when he didn't react . She went on for 8 times and heard Jungkook chuckling .
" You're being too gentle didn't even hurt , it someone saw us theu would think you're using me to fulfill your fantasies . Is this what you call torture? " he laughed but hissed when he felt a sting and her pressing his ass as she spanked him again , he bit on his lip . This medicine is making him lose his  mind or what?

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