Two blue lines

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I woke up feeling awful, almost like I had a handover. I place my robe around me and slotted my feet into my warm slippers. I walked over to my en-suite and sat down on the cold tiles next to the toilet.

I tried to be quiet but I think lando noticed me out of bed as I heard heavy footsteps heading my way. He leant on the doorframe and then lowered himself to my level, he began to place my hair behind my back and tied it back.

"You okay baby?" He spoke softly, rubbing my back and comforting me.
"Yeah, I just feel rubbish!" I huffed, beginning to stand back up. He looked at me with his big blue eyes.

"Let's go back to bed as we have to leave for silver stone in a couple of hours!" He carried me back into our bed and we snuggled for a bit then we began to get ready.

"Hey bubs! I can't wait for you to win today!" I said as I applied my concealer to my face.
He laughed as he grabbed his race gear and headed down to the car.

I grabbed my pink little suitcase and locked up all the windows and doors. I finally locked the front door and we headed off to silver stone.

*four hours later*

We were chilling in the mclaren pit stop room whilst the pre race checks began. I sat with Oscar's girlfriend Lily, I began telling her how I was feeling.

" I love silverstone! The atmosphere, the fans and just the whole-" I stopped myself and then proceeded to run to the toilet. Lily ran after me and Oscar saw us running but it was too late as he had to get into the car. The race was about to begin!

Again, I threw up and placed my head against the cold, tiled wall. Lily came in and sat down next to me. She looked at me with a worried look.

"Y/n when was your last period?" She asked me, she looked serious but Also worried. I began to panic, I'm late.
"I'm 2 weeks late" then it hit me. Am I pregnant?

We hopped into my mini and drove to the latest co-op , lily ran in and grabbed two pregnancy tests and some snacks. It was a quiet drive back to the racetrack; the only noice was the radio which was awful signal.
We walked back into the bathroom and Lily waited outside the door, just talking me through.

My legs were shaking as I waited for the test to come back. By this point we were into lap 50/67. It felt like years waiting for the test and I began to panic.

"Lily! What if it is positive?" I spoke quietly but loud enough to hear.

"Y/n calm down, okay! Let's see what the results are then we go from there!" Her words was like a remedy.

Time was up and the test was ready. It was time to look.
I flipped over the test:
Two blue lines started at me, as I started at them. I stood there in silence. Lily knew what was up!

"Y/N I know it's positive open up!" I felled into her arms as I opened the door! A thousand thoughts ran through my head and I began to think what would I say to lando!

"Lily, what am I going to say to lando"

We slowly headed back to the main McLaren pit stop room. It was lap 66/67. McLaren In the lead. LN4 crossed the checked line 1st.

Screams and cheers filled the McLaren base and I was filled with joy! I ran over to lando and his little smile melted my heart. Little did he know that in 9 months time, that smile and his eyes will be in our child.

I had the test in my pocket and when I ran up to hug him, I whispered in his ear:
"Well done bubs! Me and Norris jr are so proud!"

He pulled away from our hug and I had the test in my hand! He smiled and hugged me even more! He had two things to celebrate tonight; winning the British Grand Prix and finding out we're having a baby!

( A/N thank you for reading 🤍
Hope you enjoy! And requests are allowed )

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