Car crash

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"Lando baby! We better get going or we're going to be late for practice!" I shouted as I frantically ran around the house looking for our bags.

"Yeah I'm coming!! I was grabbing my phone charger" he said whilst running Down the stairs. When it comes to organisation lando and I are not the best!

I grabbed my snack basket and headed to the car. It was a 6 hour drive to silverstone and we was ready!

"Let's go baby!" Lando said as he pulled out of driveway. He started the sat nav and off we went!


"Bubs, can you pass me the monster munch please!" He asked whilst he focused on the road! I passed him his food and I began snacking on my sweets.


"Can we stop for a week lando!!" I whined and whined until he finally agreed. We waited until we could find a service station and we found one. We pulled into the cross lane, and began to turn when a car came crashing into the middle of the car.

Silence. Screams. Pain. Terror.

My mind was rushing with thoughts. We was pushed to the other side of the road. My head hitting the side of the at 100 miles per hour then smashing my face into my airbag.

My mind and vision went blank and as I drifted off all I heard was sirens.


Lando Norris and his wife y/n Norris have been in a serious car crash whilst driving to the British Grand Prix. They have both been air lifted to London hospital we are waiting for updates. We don't know what their conditions are but it is suspected critical!


Machines. They shout and scream at me in high pitched beeps. My body hurts. Pain is all over my body. It's stings and stabs.

My eyes slowly open and I take in my surroundings. A dozen nurses surrounding my bed. A few doctor's places around talking and sounding serious.

"L-lando?" I whispered very slow slightly. Trying not to disturb my resting body. A few nurses rushed to me to answer my questions.

"Hiii y/n! Your okay! Just try not to rush!" A kind nurse stated to me.

"Where is lando?" I asked whisky trying to move. She held me down gently as she started explaining.

"Y/n , it's okay lando is alright! He's just coming okay?!" She reassured saying my husband was okay! I tried to believe her but so many things were rushing through my mind.

Another doctor walked into my room and began talking to me what happened and what's wrong with me.

"Hii y/n,, I'm doctor drey. So what happened is you had a nasty crash!" He said as he was also checking all my charts. "So what's happened it that you had a concussion and you've just broke a couple of bones but other than a few cuts and bruises you're okay!"

I looked at my body, just laying there throbbing in pain. I tried to lay back down when I heard more footsteps entering my room.

"Hey baby!" I recognise that voices it's-
"Hey baby! It's lando" he said, he came over and perched on the side of my bed. He began stroking hair out of my face.

"H-hey baby!" I smiled, my hand moved to his and I held in as tight as I could. "Im so sorry! It's m-my Fault. I made u-us stop.-" I began to cry but he stopped me mid sentance.

"Don't ever say it was your fault. It was not my fault either. It was the person who crashed into us!" He tried reassuring me but I was convinced it was my fault.

"Baby! Why am I shred to pieces and you are as perfect as you always are?"

"Because baby, the driver hit your side more. Also I had more airbags. I'm sorry" he gave me a small kiss on the cheek.

A doctor walked in and began explaining my next steps of my recovery journey.

"Hili im doctor smith, nice to meet you!" He introduced himself to me and lando. "So y/n! Overall you only have minor injuries but the bones broken are your left ankle and your left shoulder also a few ribs! We're going to cast your ankle which needs 8 weeks rest and the shoulder we can rap up and then the ribs leave them to heal on their own!" He handed lando my release papers and then helped me to the reception area.

"Hey baby! I'm in medical leave from f1 for 4 months so I can help look after you!" He smiled and wheeled me to our rental car. He helped me into our car and did my seat belt for me.

We drive home and stopped by lando's mum and said hello for a couple of hours. Once we finally arrived home, lando carried me straight up to bed and we just cuddled until we fell asleep.

"I love you baby!" I said as I slowly fell asleep. Once I was sleeping lando whispered:
"I wish it was me and not you, but I'm grateful your here and I love you baby!"

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