Chapter 15: Confrontation

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Chapter 15

August ; One Week Later

"Mama!" I yelled from my room.

"What boy?"

"Can you bring me somethin' ta drank?"

She ain't reply so I figured she was pourin' me somethin', but soon my bedroom doe opened and O'Shae came walkin' in. She smiled and then came and sat down next ta my good leg befoe passin' me a liquor stoe bag.

"Hey baby." She smiled.

"Hey ma whatchu doin' hea'? Ain't you 'pose ta be at work?" I asked while I pulled the shit out the bag.

She brought me two gatorades, some Advil, and a bag of chips. I smiled 'cause Shae always bringin' me somethin' ova or havin' Dink come drop somethin' off ta me. I been apprecaitin' it, and I ain't seen her these last two days so I'm glad she done came through.

"No, I took the earlier shift today so I could come hang with you tonight." She tol' me while openin' the Gatorade and handin' it back ta me. She looked ova at my leg that was in the therapy machine. "What level you on today?"

"Uhm, I'm at 90 at the moment."

She nodded and then jus' got ta watchin' it. This machine be havin' me in pain like a bitch. It move my knee in different degrees and gets higher and higher. The shit hurt, and it suck 'cause I gotta be on it foe six hours a damn day. I'm on hour three nah.

"You take your pain medicine yet?"

I shook my head while I drank a lil moe and then put it onna nightstand wit' the rest of the stuff. "Nope. I cain't take it for anotha ten minutes, but I want the shit nah. This shirt hurt real bad."

"That's why you should've gotten the block dummy!"

"Man no, that was a whole extra thang, and I can handle it."

I had the option of gettin' a block put inta my knee ta stop the pain foe a few days, but I ain't want no temporary fix just ta have ta handle the pain lata. I jus' ratha get used ta the pain straight out the gate. Shae said I should've went back and had them put it in, but I'm good. I ain't stressin' it I'm jus' ready ta heal up so I ca get back ta what the hell I've been doin', and so I can handle ole fuck boy.

"Mhm sure you can." She rolled her eyes and I yanked one of her arms makin' her fall on top of me.

She started laughin' befoe flippin' her self onta her side and gettin' comfortable next ta me. She looked up at me, and I leaned down and kissed her real quick. She kissed me again, and then pulled her phone out, and started scrollin' through all her lil social media shit foe a second befoe lookin' back up at me.

"How are your eyes today?"

I shrugged not knowin' what ta say 'bout 'em. Shit still been the same a lil. I went ta my first appointment, but it ain't make much difference yet. I been dealin' wit' it though, and I ain't really trippin', jus' happy I can still see period.

"They straight." I tol' her. "How's yours?"

She looked at me confused and then chuckled a lil. "Fine. Why do you ask?"

"Ion't know, 'cause it seem like they must have not been workin' too good that night in the parkin' lot."

Since the day up in the hospital I thought that Shae might've tol' the cops who had jumped me befoe I woke up, or shit, tol' somebody, but she hadn't. I been puttin' it off jus' cause I had forgot 'bout it but Trav came ova the otha day wonderin' if I really knew who did it, and I had ta thank back ta that night. I know damn well that Shae had ta have seen that nigga, and although I ain't want her ta tell nobody who did it, I'm still wonderin' why she ain't do it wit' out me tellin' her the plan first. I sho' hope it ain't foe the reason I'm thankin'.

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