Chapter 28: Here We Go

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Chapter 28

Here We Go

"You got a girl that will ride, ride, ride." I sang to August while we pulled into the airport area.

"Girl yo stare, those eyes."

"I love when you look at me baby." I laughed at the end because we were both acting a fool again in the car.

August laughed too and reached up to turn the music back down. "You know that's are song right?" He asked. I nodded while I texted Bria back.

"I do know that."

"All the lyrics gone apply ta us when you let me bend you ova." He smirked.

I laughed, and tried to hide my face with my hands so he didn't see the big goofy smile that was appearing on my face along with the blush from my face heating up. He snatched my hands down anyways, and laughed.

"You're a mess." I pointed out.

He shrugged, and pulled in front of the drop off/pick up zone in front of the airport. My mom had said yes to daddy and I coming to Trinidad so daddy booked us a flight that night and now three days later we're about to go fly out to see my mother for the first time in years. I'm excited, but also sad because that means that August and I will be separated for a week. That's why he volunteered to drop me off today, so he could see me off before I'm officially out of here.

"Yea, but you gone miss me. Mess and all." He stated before we both got out of the car.

He grabbed one of my suitcases and I grabbed my carry on bag. When I looked over daddy was getting his bags out of Gina's truck. She had insisted on bringing him here for what reason I don't know, and I guess daddy decided to humor her and let her. I haven't spoken to her in weeks and I wanted to keep it that way so I ignored her as she came over with daddy. She stood there not in her usual demeanor, she wasn't standing all high and mighty, she actually looked sad.

"Well you ready to head inside sweetheart?" Daddy asked. I nodded and started heading in the direction of the entrance, but someone grabbed my arm.

I turned around only to see Gina looking at me pleadingly. Before I could say or do anything August reached over, and removed her hand off of me.

"Thea' a reason you touchin' her?" He asked.

Gina retracted her hand completely and put them behind her back while I turned completely to face her. It's crazy to say this is who I believed was my mother for such a long time just for her to end up being damn near a stranger and someone I despise. These feelings of hate wouldn't even have been there even if she wasn't my real mother, if it wasn't for the fact that she was siding with Rah more than she ever had with me.

I know our relationship was strained for many years, but that doesn't give her the right to treat me how she started to. That's not cool, I'm not wit' it, and I'm not trying to make amends with her any time soon. That's just how I feel.

"Listen O'Shae, I asked for your dad to let me drop him off, because I needed to see and speak with you." She began. I just stood and let her continue. "Honey I'm so sorry for how things went down between us. Between this cancer, and your daddy and I's marriage straining, I was angry. I took a lot out on you, and should have never ever said the things that I did. I am so, so sorry O'Shae."

She looked genuine, and I could tell she was. Apart of me wanted to sweep it under the rug, and tell her it's okay because this is the woman that raised me, and I don't want to just throw away our relationship, but apart of me knows better now. I know that if I keep forgiving a person that's going to make them think they can step all over me, over and over again. It was the same thing with Raheem, and I'll be damned if it's going to happen with Gina too. It's going to be hard to just let her out of my life, but I'm about to embark on a new mother and daughter relationship. One loss just for a new gain.

Different Playing Fields (August Alsina)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora