The dumbest decision of all

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It was a beautiful day in a world called Androwbia which looks like the earth were all things start. My name is Peter. I am in a world filled with magic, curses and monsters.

One day I came to a temple called The Temple of curses. It was gloomy and I was there taking pictures like an idiot. Imagine this, one day you go to a sacred temple and took photos and others are staring at us. I don't know what in world my mind is thinking.

After I took selfies like an idiot the temple burst into fire and a fire monster which is actually called as the blood critter. It attacks really rarely like once in a blue moon. It started to attack others while I ran away from the temple. Suddenly, it jumped on my shoulder and I shrieked like hell broke loose. Then a girl with a sword came and shouted which caused the critter to attack her. She flung her sword cutting the critter into half.

Oh! I forgot to say the characteristics of the critter. Imagine a big fish with small legs with red scales and bloody mouth and with razor sharp teeth of death. I was blushing and ashamed when I saw the girl. See, I'm a boy but she is a girl. Usually, people say girls are mentally good but physically weak and boys are physically strong and mentally weak but it is the complete opposite. The she asked "whatcha doing you little lad" with a happy tone.

It was so embarrassing that may face turned bright red like an apple. I can't believe that she called me a little lad. Seriously, it doesn't mean that I'm little I guess I'm 1 year older than her. She said "My name is Calista. What is yours". I said " My name is Peter, by the way I'm 1 year older than you."I muttered. She said "whatever I don't care, I'm more powerful than you. If you want to join you can join." I shouted yes so loud it echoed in the area in which I was.

She led me through a small gorge behind the broken temple with fire and blood splattered everywhere. It was a dark chilly place and was kinda small. After 30 minutes of endless walking the gorge opened up into a mysterious world.

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