The Titan of Death

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I saw a man with a spear and heavily armored and a masked boy wearing his tracks. The man with a spear looked at me and throwed his spear at me and it missed me. I was scared as if this is the day I day I die so I wielded my katana and I was thinking positively like I will win.

The katanawas black in color but not fiery as it was. Maybe I was unlucky. As I'am fighting for my life, I didn't care about it. I was just swinging my sword fastly and I managed to hit him a few times then then the masked by used some kind off a technique that slammed me towards the wall.

Blood was gushing out as if the dam filled with water broke. Thou I was injured badly, I gave a heck of a fight and then my katana broke. I was hopeless as 8f I was about to die and suddenly I had a vision.

The vision was a small boy who was in a cage and asked help and suddenly one of the soldiers, grabbed his hands and beat him with a stick. 8t was gruesome than he transformed into the Titan of Death and stamped on me.

Then I saw a sword 1 inch longer than my katana it was embedded with Ruby and Sapphire on a obsidian handle with a fiery glaze. I felt powerful and tried to cut through the spear man but he dodged and stabbed me with the spear.

The masked guy said to me "You have also got that vision. You shall be my rival"

Then he turned into the Titan of Death. It was a Titan with a gas shaped mask with a contrasting look of life and death. I used my sword and I tried to cut its leg but it was so strong that it knocked my sword off. I lost hope then the authority came and tried to cease it off but it summoned many critters. I took my sword and started to kill the critters one by one.

The blood was still flowing out of my body and it was a painful experience but I kept on killing then I charged the Titan but it was too big then someone teleported me to the head of the Titan but the Titan turned into a critter and ran away.

I was in a critical stage of blood loss so they rushed me to the healing camp and healed me. I literally saw my life flash in a second. Atleast I was alive. I was a rival to a Titan of Death. I said to the group what happened but I was able to find a clue the Titan of Death is young and a male. Then I saw someone who was a.....

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