Mystery Case 1: Death of the Head

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The Head was killed by The Titan of Death. The news sent shivers down our spine. We suspected the head to be behind the reason for the Slaughter Fest!

We didn't know what to do. Everyone was panicking. The real deal was how did the Head die and who is The Titan of Death? The news went viral everywhere. The person who ascended the throne was called Linux. He was a good-looking guy with white hair, the son of the previous Head, powerful and popular and had a white eye. Rico and I were disagreeing the looks and his power while girls were hypnotized, which is funny if you ask me.

Linux gave a speech "On behalf of my father. I have taken this place as the head and I will make this place into a glorious place as we take part in the funeral of Lincoln. My father and predecessor of mine will therefore be remembered by everyone." All the girls were going crazy for some reason as the boys were like meh.

Coming back, Lere was shocked as he was the one who was voted as the next head of the village. Lere said that there is something fishy about Linux. Linux had a knife which had an ancient word which meant - Titan of Death. The catch is that Linux was at his bunker, but the head was killed in the throne and the distance between them was 3 kilometers.

"He might have it for fashion and it might not work," said Rico. "That's true because he usually fiddles with it during meetings and even, I tried, but it didn't work," said Lere. Me and Leeroy said to Lere "Maybe he created it such that others can't use it". Lere said "That is true but still", sticking to his decision.

We went to the main room to meet Linux when he was preparing for the funeral. We asked him, " Where were you during the murder?" He said that he was in the bunker playing video games and petting my tamed summons. He pointed at me and said "You are a human. Aren't you supposed to be in Androwbia and you have to go to jail. You are a lucky coward in these streets. Aren't you ashamed. You are a noob in power, why are you coming here. You are so lucky because you entered here when my father was the head." The anger funneled through my body, and I started to choke him, but Lere pulled me and said" You can't kill him. He is way too powerful". I was really angry.

I want to choke him until he dies. I hate him to the core. If I had a chance, I would definitely kill him. He was laughing and was continuously cursing me. I really want to kill him.

Then I saw someone with a black hood with an evil smile. I started chasing him then......

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