The Beast of the Waters

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We didn't expect him to be afraid of a beast. All the girls have fallen asleep. So, it is in our hands to save everyone living in this place. Then I noticed that the beast was about 30 feet tall. So, if Lere can't handle and the beast is stronger than us, how will we fight?

Lere told us that if we have a good teamwork then it is possible. Teamwork is better than solo. The thing is, I have got just one power awakening. Others have got least 2. I forgot to tell you how I got the first awakening. Do you remember the cave incident? Yeah, awakening is more like having High amounts of experience and knowing new abilities. 

The beast was tall and looked like a shark, a water type. Since it is of water it can be easily killed by air and doesn't damage water. This means the girls can easily defeat it because, Syara is water and Calista is air.

I opened my knife which turned to a katana and hit it with a big blow. It left a big mark on its face. Rico punched the beast with rock, smashing it.

I used my katana and jump on the beast like yesterday and the blade turned into fire and I continuously attacked it by many combos. I found out when fire used on water, the water shrinks and turns into gas.

One of the facts is when air and water in a team, when fire attacks it's the killer combination. Will easily defeat fire because, when you attack water with fire abilities, you basically evaporate water and make air stronger, and air can give large amount of power because they are linked together.

Back to the fight. I continuously used my katana and evaporated it easily.

My hands were hurting a lot and I awakened second time. It was a happy moment and my second kill. I slept for some time and did my morning chores. I heard a news of a boy who has been kidnapped by someone. I heard some noise in the west side of my treehouse. The treehouse Calista. When I went there, I saw an ominous note and Calista missing. The note said that if you defeat and kill the head of the place, I will return her in one piece. I called everyone to gather around and said about it. Leeroy suggested that to find her and to kill the head of the village, but I said that we have to kill the people who are taking her as hostage. Then Rico said that if we fail to kill the person taking hostage, we will take the head of the place.

Lere said, "You should not kill the head of the place or else I will kill you all." Then someone came crying.

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