Chapter Thirteen.

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"So when are you and Tilly going to be moving back in?" Ivan asked as he placed Eliza's coffee down in front of her. It had been two days since the massive family drama exploded and all seemed to start settling down again.
"Are you sure we're ready for that yet?" She took a sip from her mug as she looked at Ivan with stern eyes and a raised eyebrow.
"We won't know unless we try" He stated as his family joined them in the seating area of the kitchen.
"I think you both need to establish ground rules, boundaries and trust before you rush into it again, even if you just plan it out, give you both something to work with" Harry was right, they both knew it and neither wanted to risk this going wrong again.
"A lot of damage has been done, don't rush to fix this, you've both got forever to get it right".

"I'm going to go check on Tilly and wash up" Eliza stood to rush back to her daughter that slept peacefully in her crib beside Ivan and Eliza's bed. Even though they had enough rooms to give her a nursery to herself Elizabeth wasn't ready yet, her small baby needed to be with her, she would often bring Tilly into bed with her during the night, she seemed to suffer from withdrawals from her daughter, like a piece of her was missing when she wasn't holding Tilly.

The little Princess laid on her belly with her face turned to the window, fast asleep, warm and cozy under a blanket Ivan's grandmother had knitted for them. Eliza found herself often looking at Tilly, admiring her little bundle of joy, she couldn't believe she was here, even after all this time with her, it was and always will be a shock to the system.

She knew deep in her heart Ivan and herself would work things out, but she still didn't want to rush back into anything. She was still pretty broken up about the whole situation and every time she thought about it her chest would tighten. She loved Ivan with everything she had, but she knew she would never get the same in return.

Eliza soon fell asleep after bringing Tilly into bed with her for a cuddle, all plans for the day had gone out the window, all she wanted right now was to be with her daughter and sleep, the sleepless nights were still something both parents need getting used to.

"I can hear her breathing, she's asleep" Ivan said looking at his father as they all sat in the family room discussing what the future holds for them.
Ivan's grandmother, Theresa had made it clear she wasn't going to be around much longer, she didn't want to burden Elizabeth with the news, she wanted her to just enjoy living in the honeymoon stage of having her baby, but she barely had months to live, most wolves can live till over a hundred, but without a mate their life span decreases drastically, she was only seventy-one.

"I'm leaving everything I own to Elizabeth" His parents already knew of her wishes and agreed with them, no matter what was to happen between Ivan and Eliza, she needed protecting, she had already been dragged into this life and it was too late for her to ever live a normal one, especially now she has a daughter who is part wolf.

"If that's what you wish to do, I support you" She was extremely shocked that Ivan didn't put up a fight, he was always meant to inherit everything she owned, it was his grandfathers wishes but they all knew deep down he would of changed his mind if he ever met Eliza, or Tilly.

"I just hope you don't mess this up again, and if you do-" Theresa started to wag her finger at Ivan causing his father to try and hide his laugh. "I'll come back to haunt you". Harry couldn't help the snicker that came out with the words she said, even when close to death, she will always be the most sassiest, scariest woman any of them have ever met. The love she had for Elizabeth was unbreakable, she had watched her blossom from a young girl to a strong leader and mother, without any supernatural abilities to help her, her heart and soul was pure, and that's what made Theresa love her so dearly.

She truly hoped Ivan wouldn't mess up again, Elizabeth brought the best out in him, ever since they met that day in the barn.

-------- Flash back -------

Elizabeth Rhodes was the town's sweetheart, she would help everyone around her in a heartbeat, she was oblivious to the world around her, so innocent and pure but everyone loved her for that.
She stood under the shade the barn provided as the town gathered to the James farm, owned by the wonderful Theresa James, a lovely, gentle old lady; she always had a soft spot for Eliza and her generosity towards others.
It was the annual town celebration, Halloween was close by and a week beforehand Theresa filled her farm with family activities and launched a pumpkin patch for the children to pick their own and carve it. Little did outsiders know that most of the population of this event with filled with werewolves, Theresa's grandson being their Alpha.

Ivan James was the opposite of Eliza, but he still would do anything for his family and pack members, even if it meant being stuck on his grandmother's farm with a bunch of screaming children. He headed over to greet his grandmother when a scent hit him like a ton of bricks, vanilla and honey, he stopped in his tracks and inhaled deeply. His grandmother could tell by his eyes what was happening, she knew that look all too well. His eyes darted to the side of the barn, long, messy caramel hair that was blowing in the wind as well as big blue eyes caught his attention, followed by her wonky smile and rosy cheeks.

Taking his first glimpse at her undone his world, his heart began to race as sweat began to build up on his forehead and palms, he was drawn to her like a magnet, he craved to know her and be near her. There was no denying it, she was his mate.

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