Chapter Twenty Three.

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The men all walked out of the office and down stairs, muttering to one another, Nik held a smirk on his face as Ivan looked as though he could explode. They all walked into the kitchen where Eliza stood prepping food as her daughter sat in the high chair.

"Daddy's back" She cooed to Tilly as Ivan stood beside her, she stood up on her tip toes kissing his cheek gently, she felt him automatically relax. "I love you" She whispered before pulling away to go back to cooking. The three Alphas sat side by side at the table as Nik sat opposite.

"So have you guys worked it all out?" Eliza asked as she started handing plates out to each of them.
"He knows" Ivan said rolling his eyes. Eliza turned to Nik shocked, how did he find out? She never told him.
"I found out when I was eighteen" He said like the thought still haunted him. "Snuck out with a girl I was seeing, only for her to change half way through our date-" He trailed off. Eliza was even more shocked now.
"You knew this whole time?" She practically shrieked. "I can't believe this!" She said throwing her hands up.
"Her name was Olivia" Marks head snapped to look at Nik with shock written all over his face.
"I'm sorry, what?" He asked as Albert began to laugh loudly. As if on cue, Lila and Olivia walked in carrying shopping bags laughing together.
"Hi Nik" Olivia said calmly as she walked past him to put her shopping down. He lifted his hand above his head to give her a wave so she could see it from behind him.

"Finding out this changes everything" Eliza said as she sat at the table with everyone else.
"I don't get what the issue is?" Olivia asked, shrugging as she took food off Niks plate as she stood behind him.
"So what I hook up with a human every now and then? My mates dead remember" She said in a duh tone.
Eliza's brain felt like it was frying, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. This time it was Ivan who broke out in fits of laughter, his loud, husky laugh echoed throughout the room, if not the whole house.

"This is gold" He said as he began to calm down. He turned to Mark who looked like he was struggling to process the news.
"Olivia, please tell me you're not just sleeping around with-" Olivia cut him off with a clap of her hands.
"First of all, I ONLY hook up with Nik, he was my high school boyfriend beforehand. Second of all, it's no one's business who I sleep with". Lila giggled to herself as she watched all the men's faces, they really were struggling to understand her and this situation.

"Well, good for you" is all Eliza said as she took a sip of her coffee. Olivia nodded in her direction.
"Thank you Elizabeth" She smirked as she walked out the room. Nik looked like he wasn't sure whether to laugh or run away at this point, Marks death glares were beginning to scare him slightly.

Eliza took her daughter out of the room filled with tension and decided to bath her, Ivan stayed with their guests, making sure no one attacks Nik for the new discovery.

"I don't get everyone's problem" Olivia sighed as she stood in the en-suite doorway watching Tilly splash about in the water as she laughed to herself.
"No one has a right to have a problem, what you do with your life is down to you" Eliza hummed as she looked over at her shoulder at Olivia before turning back to her daughter cooing at her.
"That's right" She in her baby voice as Tilly clapped her hands together, a large smile spread across her face.
"So why do I feel like Marks angry with me?" She huffed as she slid down the doorway to sit down.
"Let him be" Eliza shrugged "The only person's opinion you should worry about is Niks, he is the one involved with you and from what I can tell, he has no issue with you being a wolf" Eliza laid a towel out in her lap before pulling her daughter out the water to dry her.
"The question you really need to be asking, is do you have a problem with him being human?" Eliza asked softly as she looked over at her conflicted friend. Olivia was spaced out, pulling at the dry skin on her lips as Elizabeth's words repeated over and over again in her mind.

Did she have a problem with Nik being human? No.

Did Nik have a problem with her being a wolf? No.

Does she feel like she's doing something wrong? A hundred percent.

Part of her felt like she was cheating on her mate and the other part of her felt like she would lose the respect from her pack and her brother, but that shouldn't be the case, everyone is perfectly fine with Ivan and Eliza, why should it matter if the roles are reversed?

Eliza left her to think as she changed her daughter and put her to bed before both ladies made their way downstairs. Olivia deep in thought and Eliza exhausted, the room fell silent when they both walked in together.
"What's the matter?" Eliza asked looking over at Lila who had a worried look on her face.

The few words that were spoken shattered Olivia's heart all over again, her mouth ran dry and her throat felt as though it was closing up. The room began to spin as she struggled to keep herself up right, tears started build up as everything slowed down, she couldn't believe what she had just heard.
"It's the vampires again".

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