Chapter Twenty One.

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As the sun hit the horizon and the sky grew dark, everyone began to take their children to bed, the cook out soon turned into a child free evening for all the adults to catch up. The elders and most the grandparents stayed inside to watch over the little ones whilst the parents got a break.

Eliza looked up at the moon, seeing it back at the beginning of its cycle, her eyes lit up when someone had turned on the fairy lights that wasn't a feature before. They wrapped around the tree trunks and dangled between trees, joining them up.

"It looks so beautiful" She whispered as she took a sip of her wine, she sat with Lila on the fountain wall, they was further down the garden, away from most of the groups, the laughter and chatter of everyone turned into a humming sound from where they were.
"Ivan's outdoing himself trying to impress you" She said with a wink making Eliza chuckle.
"I had to put a stop to it the other day" She said looking out at the forest. "He just wouldn't stop, and it was getting a bit much, I don't need to be pampered twenty-four seven". She said rolling her eyes.
"At least his trying" She replied with a soft smile. "In his own crazy way" the last part made Eliza chuckle. She looked back to catch a glimpse of her partner, he stood in a light grey shirt with the top button undone, suit pants to match, he stood with the other Alphas discussing business, every now and then a smile would appear on his face and each time Eliza couldn't help but smile as well.

"Ever since Ivan and Amanda, I can't help but feel insecure" She blurted out quietly, Lila's eyes widened as she looked at Eliza like she had grown two heads.
"Elizabeth, my dear, you are beautiful! How could you even say such things?" Eliza turned to her with a sad smile.
"Because someone else could take him from me so easily" Lila's heart sunk at her words, she reached her hand out, holding onto Eliza's as she took a deep breath.
"Nobody took him away from you, not really. The whole time you were gone he was a mess, he was cold and heartless, the pack was hanging on by a thread, nearly falling to ruins. We came over a few times to try and help out but it seemed nothing was working". Eliza was shocked at her words, she thought Ivan only came after her when he heard the news about her pregnancy.

"It was always tense here, Amanda knew she wasn't wanted, that she was only being used and it wasn't Ivan's doing, nor Amanda's" Eliza looked back at Ivan again confused.

"I'm sorry, you've lost me there" She looked back at Lila to see a sad smile.

"The Elders of all the packs and a few Alphas were putting pressure on him that you would never produce a pup if you didn't within the first few months".
Eliza gulped her drink down at the news, shocked Ivan could be so easily pressured.

"We was only trying for three months Lila" Her voice cracked. "It wasn't years".

"Oh honey, I know" The older woman said as she pulled the fragile human in her arms. "That man loves you and his actions nearly killed him, his still paying the price, still fighting with his wolf every day about it, Midnight is less forgiving then you" She chuckled making Eliza laugh through her tears.

"When midnight would take over, he used to call me his little flower" Eliza said with a small smile.

"He still does" a voice said from behind them. She looked up to see Ivan, with soft eyes and a weak smile. "I could feel your hurt" Lila excused herself, letting the young couple talk.

"I didn't realise you was getting so much backlash for me not producing quick enough" Eliza said as she fumbled with the empty glass in her hands.
"And I didn't realise I was so stupid to listen to them" Ivan replied. "I truly do love you Elizabeth, I know it's hard to trust me right now, but I do love you"
Eliza looked up at him, she looked to see if there was any trace of doubt on his face but he seemed to be telling the truth.

"I love you too Ivan" She sighed happily, she couldn't help but smile, she was finally feeling like she was getting her Ivan back, the man she once loved before.

She watched as he moved, he got down on one knee making her heart speed up, she looked back at everyone for a split second to see them all watching.
"Ivan-" He cut her off with a hand on her knee as he began to speak.

"Remember the day we first met? At my grandmothers barn?" He asked, she nodded feeling her heart flutter.
"I knew from that moment, human or wolf I was going to have you, you would be mine". He reached into his pocket with his spare hand pulling out a small box.
"So many moments leading up to this has made me realise why I am the luckiest man on the earth to have you, watching you become a mother, watching you become a Luna, watching you take care of others even when they had done you wrong made me realise it's not the mate bond that pulls me to you, it's your beauty, the heart of gold that you have and are so willing to share with others" His words made her tear up but she tried not to let them go.
"I love you Elizabeth and I need you, I know you said you're not ready, but I will never stop asking till you are" He opened the box, she expected to see her old ring but this was a brand new one, it was beautiful and a lot more compared to the simple band she had last time.
"Elizabeth Rhodes, will you marry me?" He asked making Eliza no longer being able to hold the tears back.
"Yes" She said as she wiped her eyes, she threw her arms around him neck as he held onto her tightly.
"I also really hate you not having my last name" He whispered into her ear for no one else to hear making her laugh loudly.
"I could tell the day of the scan" She smirked as he placed the ring on her finger.
"I love you" She smiled back at him.
"I love you too, my little flower".

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