Chapter Nineteen.

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The birth of the Jacob and Amanda's son went smoothly, Eliza fell back from sitting on her knees wiping the sweat off her forehead with her arm as she watched the new couple welcome their little boy into the world. She looked down at her hands, covered in blood, she couldn't believe what she had just done and felt the sudden urge to be sick.

She ran off up the stairs into the room Ivan and her shared and emptied the contents of her stomach into the en-suite toilet as the blood smeared over the white porcelain. She sat back leaning against the tub, where she once slipped and fell from whilst pregnant. She cringed at the memory and quickly moved to wash the blood off her hands and everything it had touched. A big part of her was jealous of Amanda, she managed to take Ivan so easily before and now she had the perfect pregnancy and birth, whereas Eliza felt as though hers was stolen from her. The fight for her life took away the joy she should have experienced.

She soon changed and headed back downstairs to check on the new parents, luckily the pack doctor had just arrived so she was no longer playing the role of a nurse. She walked over to her brother as the doctor helped Amanda up to get washed and cleaned.
"His beautiful" Eliza said as Jacob handed the baby to her. "His a big boy compared to Tilly" She chuckled. Tilly was five pounds ten ounces, tiny for a human baby and exceptionally small for a Lycan baby. This child she held in her arms was easily over nine pounds.

"His name is Niaz" Jacob beamed as he watched Eliza with his son, the little boy holding onto her finger as she cooed at him.
"He truly is beautiful Jacob, he definitely is yours, his a spitting image of you" She said as she handed the little boy back to his father.

Ivan stood in the hallway watching the scene, apart of him knew she would always see his and Amanda's mistakes in that child, she will always hold back slightly from being the auntie she had always wished to be as he would be a constant reminder, the more he thought about the more he realised the same for his daughter, she should never have suffered the way she did trying to bring Tilly into the world.

"Eliza" He called, watching the love of his life turn to look at him, her big blue eyes looking sad. "How about we go for dinner, just me and you?" He asked as she took Tilly from his arms. She held her daughter close, kissing her on the head whilst closing her eyes. She nodded at his words before she began walking to the garden with her daughter wrapped tightly in her arms, pressed against her chest.
"I honestly don't think I would have survived everything without you, my angel" Ivan heard her clearly, even though it was barely a whisper. He followed them outside, pulling his partner close to him.
"I truly do love you both" He said making Eliza smile softly.
"And we love you" She said back. It had been the first time in a while that she told him she loved him and it made his heart grow again. He knew there was still a chance to win back the love of his life and that's all that mattered.

They arrived back from their meal a few hours later, Esme and Harry had kept Tilly for the night to let them have time for theirselves. They got out the car laughing together, it had been a wonderful evening, no talk of anything negative, just future plans, dreams, and what was next for them. Eliza had definitely had a little too much to drink, she was a stumbling mess, even though Ivan drank more he absorbed it better, being a wolf helps with that.

She giggled as he picked her up in his arms once the reached the stairs, there was no way he was going to let her climb them in her intoxicated state.
"You're very strong Mr James" She said, just like she did on their wedding night. His heart sunk, he couldn't complete this moment and she was no longer Mrs James, she was now Ms Rhodes, he couldn't wait for that to change again.

Once they got to their room he placed her down on the bed but she was standing up within seconds, a smell he knew all too well hit his senses, his eyes darting to her before looking out the window. It was a full moon.

She started pulling at her clothes, complaining how hot she was, she even asked him to turn off the heating. Since the first time they mated she always went into heat on a full moon, even though she wasn't a wolf, she had somehow fallen into the same cycle as the others.

He felt the heat rise in him as he tried to think of other things but her intoxicating smell was consuming him. She noticed his tense stance after a few minutes, she couldn't work out what was wrong with him, everything she had drank throughout the night had started clouding her mind and she could no longer think straight. She removed her dress leaving her braless as she didn't want the straps showing through, she took her hair out of the up-do she had it in.

He took one more look at her, you could never tell she had just had a child only a few months ago, she looked as perfect as ever.
"Ivan?" She asked taking a step closer, a growl echoed throughout the room making her eyes go wide. Before she could do anything he had leapt across the room, both of them landing on the bed behind Eliza, her panting proved he got the timing right, she was in the peak of her heat, before he done anything else, his mouth moved down to her neck, she moved her hands to his chest, clutching onto his shirt keeping him in place, she closed her eyes remember how much it hurt the first time and she prepared herself for it.
The pain waved over her as his bite pierced her skin, neither of them knew if it would work, but that didn't stop them, the pain soon faded and pleasure washed over her, a small moan slipped out as Ivan positioned himself, in one quick move they completed the mating process all over again.

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