Chapter 31

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As Sebastian paced back and forth, his mind racing with anxiety and anger, he could feel Katherine's small hand clasping his. She squeezed gently, her presence a small source of comfort in the midst of the chaos. Lady Cordelia sat beside them, her expression a mix of sorrow and determination. The clock on the wall ticked steadily, seeming to echo their hearts as they waited for news of the doctor.

Eventually, the butler returned with the doctor in tow. The doctor entered the room and knelt beside Louise, feeling her pulse and inspecting her injuries. He exchanged worried glances with Katherine and Lady Cordelia before turning to Sebastian. "I have done what I can for her," he said gravely. "She has suffered a severe blow to the head, and I fear it may take some time for her to regain consciousness. There are also indications that she has suffered from a lot of pasts hurt which may complicate her recovery."

The room fell silent as they absorbed the doctor's words. Sebastian's heart felt like it was being squeezed. He looked up at the doctor, his eyes pleading for any glimmer of hope. "Is there anything else we can do?" he asked hoarsely.

The doctor nodded. "I would recommend that she be moved to a quiet, dark room where she can rest undisturbed. It is also important that she is not left alone for too long. Someone should remain with her at all times."

"She shall stay in my chamber, then," Sebastian said, rising to his feet. "I shall personally ensure that she is not disturbed." His voice was steady, but there was an edge of determination in it that made it clear he would not be deterred. Katherine and Lady Cordelia exchanged glances, understanding the depth of Sebastian's feelings for Louise.

Late into the night, Sebastian sat by Louise's bedside, holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement. The candlelight flickered softly, casting shadows on the walls, and the only sound was the soft rhythm of their breathing. Despite the doctor's words, Sebastian refused to give up hope. He would not rest until she was better.

Blackness engulfed Louise. It was as if the world outside had been painted over with an inky brush, leaving only the faintest glimmer of light to pierce the darkness. She felt weightless, floating in a void where time seemed to stand still. The silence was deafening, but it was also oddly comforting until she saw...Mary.

Mary on the floor, still, cold. Unmoving. Louise scrambled back, hitting a wall. The room was getting smaller, darker. She tried to move, to run, but she froze in place. Panic rose in her throat, making it hard to breathe. She didn't understand what was happening. She tried to call out to Mary, but no sound came out...Darkness...

Louise's eyes flew open...

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