Chapter 33

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"Louise..." Sebastian rushed to her side, surprise flashing across his features. "You are awake?" Louise met his tender gaze, a bittersweet ache filling her heart. She loved this man with every fibre of her being. But in the painful clarity of morning, she knew a life together could never be.

"Mr. Warrington..." His family name rolled off her tongue, echoing the sudden distance wedging them apart. Sebastin froze at the cold formality. He reached gently to caress her cheek, but she turned away, his hand left hovering in wounded indecision.

"I must leave," Louise murmured, the declaration almost too much to bear. She blinked back tears as his eyes begged her to stay. Lady Cordelia rushed to Louise, grasping her hands desperately. "You cannot leave! Katherine, Sebastian and I have grown so fond of you. If this is about Lord Warrington, surely, we can find a solution!" But even as she spoke, the words rang hollow. Louise knew that the problem went deeper than one man's objection.

Louise squeezed her hands gently. "My lady, your kindness knows no bounds. I shall forever cherish how you welcomed me into your home." She took a shaky breath, blinking back tears. "But I must go."

Katherine flung herself into Louise's arms, sobs wracking her small body. "Please don't leave us!" she wept, soaking Louise's dress with her tears. Sebastian, unable to watch the scene without feeling his own heart tear apart, could only stand helplessly by his fists clenched in frustration. Lady Cordelia's face was etched with despair, her eyes filled with unshed tears as she struggled to maintain her composure.

Louise knelt down and tenderly stroked the girl's hair. "You must promise to care for your grandmother and father in my absence," she urged softly. Katherine sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. Rising slowly, body and spirit aching, Louise turned to Sebastian. He stood motionless; anguish etched on his handsome face. How she longed to caress that cheek, to kiss those lips one last time! But she hardened her heart and bowed deeply instead.

As Lady Cordelia led the inconsolable Katherine away, Louise walked to the door. They're stood Mr. Davenport, the kind old butler.

"Thank you," Louise whispered, her voice breaking. "For everything." Mr. Davenport bowed his head solemnly, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "No, thank you, for the light you brought into this home," he replied graciously, bowing low. "You will always be a part of our lives, my dear."

Louise gave a bittersweet smile. Then, squaring her shoulders, she stepped outside, her heart heavy but resolute. The sun was just beginning to rise, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. She paused for a moment, taking in one last breath of the crisp morning air before she turned to walk away. The dew on the grass glistened like diamonds beneath her feet as she made her way into the carriage.

"Louise!" yelled Sebastian as he caught her arm at the carriage door. "Wait!" She turned to face him, her eyes filling with tears again. They stood face-to-face in loaded silence.

"You cannot leave!" Sebastian cried, his voice breaking.

"I must leave!" Louise replied, her voice choked with emotion. "I cannot stay and see you every day, knowing that we... that this..." She trailed off, unable to finish the thought. Sebastian's expression was one of utter despair, as if a piece of his very soul had been torn away.

"I need you!" Sebastian cried. "My heart yearns for you alone. You are my life, my reason for living. I will not accept this." He grasped her hand, his grip firm and desperate. "I love you, Louise. I will find a way to make you understand that."

He grasped both her hands in his, pleading with her to understand. "We shall convince my father together or I shall renounce my inheritance this instant! Only say you will stay, my love..." His voice trailed off; desperation etched into every word.

Louise gazed up at him then, eyes brimming with sorrow and a flicker of impossible longing. "You could never abandon your daughter," she whispered. "You are too good a man." She let go of his hands, unable to bear the pain of holding him any longer. "I will always cherish your love, Sebastian, but I cannot stay."

Sebastian flinched as if struck. "Then I shall take her with us! Louise, I beg you..."

But Louise tenderly stopped his lips with one finger, then caressed his cheek with bittersweet farewell. Turning away quickly before she lost her resolve, she climbed into the carriage, unable to bear the anguish in his eyes any longer.

Through the small window, she watched Sebastian stand motionless for several long moments, as if frozen in Through the carriage window, Louise glimpsed Sebastian's face twist in anguish. In the manor doorway, Katherine sobbed uncontrollably in Lady Cordelia's arms. Louise's heart filled with grief at the sight, but she refused to allow herself to be pulled back into their sorrow. She would not allow her presence to cause any further pain.

As the carriage lurched forward, she did not look back again, though in her mind she pictured Sebastian standing alone on the driveway long after her carriage disappeared from view...

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