Tengen Springs Hotel, Part Two

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As we stroll through the crowd, my arm around his, I notice Alani a bit farther away, on small steps, peering over the crowd. She gives me a big grin, and I roll my eyes at her, silently mouthing, "I wanna kill myself." She laughs inaudibly in the distance, shaking her head. I glance through the crowd as I walk toward the outside door to the balcony and see her mouth, "No, you don't." She smiles, and I turn around as Koa opens the door for me.

The chilly night breeze sweeps across my skin. "I need my coat," I remark. Koa glances at the crowd we just struggled to navigate and sighs. "Here, take my blazer," he says, handing me his oversized stylish blazer. I frown at the offer.

"This is sending the wrong message, Koa," I state seriously, scanning our surroundings. "I'm not going back, he insists. Frustrated, I reluctantly take the coat, aware of multiple eyes on me.

Stepping onto the expansive balcony that curves along the building's north/west side, the wind greets us with a gentle force that soon eases as we approach the edge. Koa's dark hair defies gravity in the soft breeze.

He gazes forward at the ocean. The glow of streetlights and the cozy warmth from the homes below the mountain paints a beautiful scene. However, this beauty comes at a cost as it dims the stars. Despite the quiet balcony with distant chatter, the rhythmic waves crashing on the shore are almost audible, the wind gaining strength in the distance. The air is still a little warm.

Koa pulls a pack of cigarettes from his inner pocket, casually placing one in his mouth and lighting it. I shoot him a judgemental glance, then lean against the edge, choosing to focus on the moonlight reflecting on the ocean far away.

"Get some fresh air," I repeat his earlier words.

"Ironic, huh? Instead of pointing out my hypocrisy, you could just thank me for rescuing you from that unbreathable situation," he retorts instantly.

"Rescuing me?" I ask calmly, my gaze fixed ahead.

"I've seen you write, you know, reading those books," He explains his thoughts with movement, changing his posture constantly and moving around while casually resting his hands in his pockets.

"So, you're a stalker," I responded, shaking my head.

He looks at me with an actual annoyed expression. "Just observing," He says it with an indifferent tone, but there is a sharp edge to his words, revealing a hint of anger. "I see you at school, you're not as invincible as you think you are, or as you're trying to be," he adds.

I frown at him, placing my hands on the railing as I lean back. "You don't know me," I say. He smirks, "You don't want to study economics," taking a deep drag from his cigarette and blowing it away from me.

"And obviously, you don't want to study finance," I reply.

He gazes at me, flicking ash from his cigarette over the edge. My heart rate spikes.

A flashback from the beach hits me, reminding me he's probably not who he seems. Most likely. His charming smile appears genuine, but I sense an underlying layer. I'm hesitant to trust him, and the thought of spending more time together leaves me feeling anxious. Especially since we have classes together starting Monday. Things aren't shaping up well.

"Your dress is wonderful, by the way." he says in a lower tone, the wind almost makes it inaudible for a moment. Didn't expect that from him, but I know the games he's trying to play with me. "Thank you." I simply reply as I look away from him.

"So, what is it?" He takes a drag from his cigarette. I glance at him; his vague questions feel like a push, irritating yet oddly intriguing. It's annoying, really. God.

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