Nick's Summer BBQ Party, His Eyes

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Disclaimer: If you want to get spoiled with a big twist and you're coming straight from the second chapter, be my guest!  But for the best reader's experience, I recommend starting from the beginning. Thank you for reading my story!

(also this chapter's a LONG one! Hope you're excited!)

In Nick's kitchen, all my friends and I gather, each of us contributing our chosen liquor to the growing collection on the counter. With red cups being scattered, the ambiance shifts quickly, and Nick's beautiful home undergoes a rapid change into a bustling party.

While some of Nick's friends set up a DJ booth in the backyard, the rest of us toast to the mission of getting hammered tonight. The shot going down my throat makes me cough, then Nick mentions, "I invited Alani..." I'm standing there, puzzled, "Who?"

Nick explains, "Alani is Maya's closest friend, so she might show up at the party tonight. Connect the dots."

I smirked... way too mischievous. "Dude, don't get on my nerves," Nick warned. "What's up with you?" I frowned, "You're usually not this uptight... Not in the mood for a little fun? You told everyone at the beach you're itching to throw a party... I really don't get you."

Nick smacks his lips in annoyance, "Yeah, I want to get fucked up, but I don't want any of your unpredictable bullshit tonight."

I scoffed, "What are you talking about?" I frowned deeply, locking eyes with him. But before he could retort, people started arriving at the house. I noticed our friends were getting tired of us arguing again, so we both decided to drop it. The air still feels tense, though.

I take another shot with Finn beside me, a friend who I might introduce as... even worse than me. "So, who's this Maya you two are arguing about?" he asks with a smirk. "I'm not telling you shit, you'll just fuck things up for me, not repeating the same mistake as when you stole Nadia from me," I say while shaking my head. He starts laughing, knowing damn well his motives are see-through.

Friends streamed in through the pathway to the backyard, bringing smiles and more booze. We join them in the backyard. I couldn't figure out why Nick was so wound up about Maya, but I needed her to like me. If I missed out on the summer competition, I'd lose it. I've never been in better shape, and who knows what will happen next year? I couldn't afford to pass up this chance. So, I'm ready to do whatever it takes. Even if Nick ends up picking a fight with me.

And I won't freeze this time... when I see her.

Nick's friend, who had set up the DJ booth, announces, "Alright! Equipment's good to go." He hops off the small stage in the backyard. Nick cheers, "Nice! Lucas, you can set up." Nick gestures toward a curly-haired guy holding a large suitcase. "Yeah, just need like fifteen minutes," Lucas explains as he sets up his laptop.

The other friend pulls something from his pocket, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glance at what he's got, and it's some substances... I grin, then he turns to Nick and asks, "Can we light up inside the house?" Nick nods, "yeah, feel free. The place is all yours now." He gestures expansively around the entire place.

Nick's parents were quite different from mine. They frequently allowed Nick to host parties, always seeing it as a perfect opportunity for them to leave town. Nick doesn't even know what they go do... but he also doesn't seem to care.

I chuckle and follow my friend inside. "You always come prepared, Nathan!" We all settle in the spacious living room, squeezing onto his leather couch already occupied by six people, watching my friend roll one up.

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