Chapter 4: Extermination Aftermath

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This takes place after the extermination, when Alastor gets defeated and after Lucifer beats Adam.


Charlie had completely rebuilt the hotel, and a few days had gone by with no sign of Alastor. Lucifer and the others were getting worried about him, they thought that maybe he had really died. Though they didn't want to believe it, the past days without a sign of the Radio Demon didn't really have the charm to it as it used to. Even Vaggie, who usually doesn't care about Alastor, was affected by the gloomy mood of the hotel after he left. Although Husk knew that Alastor wasn't dead, he could still feel the chain on his neck. He wasn't going to tell the others though, he didn't want to get their hopes up in case it was just traces of Alastor's magic.


This was taken from the pov of Sir Pentious:

"I.. The grreat Sirr Pentiousss, dying forr hiss friendss. A trruly fitting end forr a marvelouss marrtyrr like me.." I thought as everything finally went black. Ending the pain and everything. Suddenly, I felt a great lightness envelope me, gently lifting me up, everything get warm and cozy. As suddenly as it came, it abruptly stopped, and everything came into view. I was at heaven's gate. Not the gate that they use to get to hell, but the gate where mortals arrive to go to heaven. I look around in confusion as everything begins to dawn on me. "Wass I apparrently sso good in hell that I went herre?" I ask myself, feeling proud and happy about it. "Ah yes, it seems that a new soul has appeared." An angel with a slightly echoey voice and had his face covered in wings was looking at a book, seemingly able to read it through his wings. "Welcome to hea-" he turns to look at me and looked appalled that a demon such as myself was able to get to heaven.

I blink at him a few times in shock as well. When he was surprised, the wings covering his face spread out for a moment, allowing me to see his face momentarily. "You! What arre you doing herre?" I hissed at him, "What is he doing here? Isn't he suppose to be in-" my thoughts were interrupted as the angel suddenly spoke. "I have no idea of what you mean. Now if you may, I'd like to get this over quickly. I still have something to attend to." he says with a bit of annoyance and irritation present in his voice. He flips through the book quickly, a white glowing light emanating from its pages. The gate in front of me opens, an endless sea of clouds visible from beyond. "Wait! You haven't told me yet why you arre herre!" I yell out to him. Suddenly, a bright glow envelopes me as white tentacles drag me out into the gate. I look back to see that the gate had disappeared, as well as the angel. Well, I guess I'm in heaven now.


Back to Lucifer's pov:

It has been a few days since I had defeated Adam, it wasn't a hard fight, but I heard that Alastor was mortally wounded and disappeared in the middle of the fight. Charlie said that he helped her buy some time during the fight. The person they call 'Sir Pentious' died in the fight, which they erected a memorial for. Although I didn't really care about him. I was more worried about where Alastor went and what had happened to him. Had he died? Where is he right now? How will Charlie cope? Is he okay? A thousand questions were left unanswered in my mind, unsure of where the deer demon had gone. "Damn it! If only I can sense where his soul is, but I don't feel any connection. Did he really? No. He might be slightly weaker than me, but he won't die that easily." Was what I thought everyday. I was always sitting in the lounge, feeling down and depressed. Even Charlie became worried for me.

A few days had gone by yet again, we were already starting the construction on Alastor's memorial, when the very man we thought was dead walked through the door. "Salutations my fellow workers!" he calls out in his cheerful voice. Charlie immediately runs up to him to pull him into a tight hug, which he sidesteps. "Oh right sorry! I forgot no hugs!" she says in a relieved yet disappointed tone. At the sight of him, the others run up to him except for Lucifer and Husk, who already knew. They began to pester him with questions about what he was doing and where had he gone. Alastor, I observed wasn't really answering them, he remained silent the entire time, his eyes unfocused. He didn't seem to be injured, but he did seem to be bothered by something.

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