Chapter 16: Extermination

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Alastor arrives at heaven's gate, back in his angelic appearance. He walks inside and immediately made his way towards the Heavenly Council's building. He slams the door  open loudly, leading everyone's eyes to look at him. Sera seemed particularly wary of him and at the same time relieved that he was finally here. "Speaker Angel, finally you are here. We have been looking for you.", "What's going on? I will NOT be leading those birds down there and slaughtering those sinners!" he shouts, his echoey voice heard loudly all across the room. Sera sighs, she knew that he would disagree. "I think we all know that Speaker Angel. If you may, I'd like to have a private meeting with you.", "Fine.". Sera flies down and leads Alastor to a hidden room within the Council hall.

They both take a seat from across each other, the two of them being equally serious. "Speaker Angel, you are the third seraphim. The only one who is powerful enough to prevent Lucifer from returning to heaven. This makes you the only one suitable for leading the Extermination Army after Adam.. After Adam was killed." Sera tells him, her arms folded. "Hmm, what makes you so sure that I would agree to your.. proposition?" he asks her back, crossing his legs. Sera sighs, there wasn't much she could offer him at the moment. He had all the money and status he can ask for in heaven, but there was one thing he always liked to have. She takes a deep breath, "I can offer you a favor in the future.". Alastor's wings ruffled slightly at this, it was clear he was interested. "A favor huh? So I can ask for anything at anytime of my choosing, correct?", "Yes, yes. Whatever. You will do it now won't you?", "I suppose I do need to now that I agreed." he smiles, but it was hidden by his wings which are covering his face. Sera raised her eyebrow, "Why are you even covering your face?", " Well, I am acting like a seraphim, a proper one at that." he replies in a sassy tone. Sera sighs again, sometimes she just can't deal with the Speaker Angel's insults. "You always say that, but then if that is the case, why don't you cover your feet?" she asks him, an eyebrow raised. "You know dear, it wouldn't be nice to cover fashion~" he replies sassily, lifting his coat a bit to show off his high heels. Sera sighs and buries her face in her hands. "Nevermind.. anyways, you will start leading the army tomorrow.", "Hmm.. Fine, now if you don't mind, I have some matters to attend to.", he says as he gets up from his chair. He snaps his fingers, making his cane reappear before walking out of the room, leaving a skeptical Sera behind. "Ugh, will there ever come a time he starts taking his responsibilities as a seraphim seriously?" she asks herself as she gets up to report to the rest of the heavenly council.

Alastor's pov:

I walk out of the building and into a nearby alleyway, making sure no one was watching. I snap my fingers again and my blue speaker cane turned back into my iconic red radio. I put the microphone to my mouth, hiding it within the wings which were covering my face as I cleared my throat. "Huh? Who is this? " a deep voice answered from the other end. "Husker, I need you to tell them to prepare for the extermination. It's coming tomorrow." I whisper into the microphone in my radio-like voice.  "Boss? Wait- Tomorrow?! How do you even know that?! Didn't the angel say in one week?" he shouts, "You can never believe what they say these days. Don't worry where I got it from Husker, I have my ways." I reply as I chuckled a bit. I hear him sigh through the speaker, "Fine, but what do I say? Not like they'll instantly believe me. They'll ask que-" "They won't kitty, now just do as I say and make them prepared in my stead.". He lets out another audible sigh, "I'll do as you say. But you have to tell me where you went.", "Hmm? No little Husker, you can't ask questions. That's part of our deal~" I reply, voice filled with teasing. "Ugh, I'll tell them I'll tell them.", "Lovely." I reply as I tapped my microphone to disconnect the call. I snap my fingers to turn the radio microphone back to the speaker cane, taking it along with me as I went for a peaceful stroll around heaven. "Ah, what a nice day. It truly feels like the calm before the storm.: Speaking of which, I suspect she must be trying to find me these days. Might as well pay her a little visit." I thought to myself as I headed towards the beach, she was quite fond of sunbathing and lounging near the water. I stop in my tracks and cleared my throat, my voice returning to its echoey state.

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