Chapter 29: Unexpected Visitor

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Day had turned into night and the Speaker Angel was still resting on the couch, Charlie coming every now and then to make sure he was alright. He was free to roam the halls if so he pleased but he seemed to just prefer to stay in one place until his wings get better and he can fly away from there himself. Adam and Lute also didn't bother to come down for meals that evening, probably busy bullying kids on Fortnite so that was fine. Husk casted a few suspicious glances at the Speaker Angel, and Nifty didn't even show an ounce of hostility towards the Speaker Angel. Vaggie mostly just didn't speak to the Speaker Angel. Angel had went out early, excusing himself as he had to make up for lost time at his job. Lucifer meanwhile, was avoiding him altogether, not even sitting down in the same room as him.

Later at midnight, the Speaker Angel was lying down on the couch, looking 'asleep' as he radiated a faint white glow in the dark lobby. Lucifer came down from the stairs, wearing duck pajamas. He walked towards the couch, his footsteps alerting the Speaker Angel to his presence. He sits up, uncovering his face. "Luce, darling, what are you doing up so late?" he asks him. "Just coming to check in on you.." he replies, wiping the sleep from his eyes. Alastor chuckles, "I'm fine, really dear, go back to sleep.". Lucifer shakes his head, sitting down beside him. "Noo.. It's weird sleeping without youu.." he tells him groggily, leaning on his side. He grins, "Fine, come here. Just for now." he replies, holding out his arms to the sleepy Lucifer. Lucifer leans into his arms, getting comfortable as the Speaker Angel laid down. He stroked Lucifer's hair gently, "It appears as though you look like a little idiot." he remarks teasingly. "Shut up you skyscraper giraffe.. I'm comfortable now.." he retorts, snuggling up on Alastor's chest. He gets up slightly and unbuttons the white suit. "What are you doing?" Alastor asks him. "Getting comfortable.." he replies, lying back down on Alastor's deer fluff. "Gosh, you're too cute when you're sleepy." Alastor sighs, petting Lucifer's back. Alastor wraps his wings around Lucifer gently, making him feel all warm and fuzzy. "Mhm.. Goodnight.." Lucifer tells him before falling asleep. "Goodnight darling." he replies staring at Lucifer as he softly snores. It was around half an hour later, Alastor had not yet fallen asleep with Lucifer on his chest, mostly because he sleeps with his eyes open. Suddenly the door bursts open and in comes Angel, back from a day of hard work. "Aw, shit. Val really worked me out today.. Shouldn'ta gone to heaven..." he tells himself as he shuts the door behind him, looking tired and drained. Alastor very much heard him and wrapped his wings tightly around him and Lucifer so Angel couldn't see them. Angel walks past, heading upstairs to his room, when he glances at the Speaker Angel who looked like a ball of feathers that emanated a faint glow. "Well fuck, that guy really likes his space doesn't he?" he remarks to himself as he goes up the stairs. Alastor peeked out from under his wings, making sure Angel wasn't there anymore, before rewrapping his wings around his head and falling 'asleep'.

[Time skip is brought to you by: Peppermint!]

Lucifer wakes up on Alastor's chest at around five o' clock, having had a good night's rest. His wings were wrapped all around him, making him feel all warm. He wanted to stay there for longer when Alastor also 'wakes up'. "Hm. So you're awake. You should go before anyone sees us now, darling." he tells him sternly. Lucifer hugs him tighter, "But you're all fluffy and fuzzy.. I don't wanna go.." he replies, snuggling his face in Alastor's chest fluff as he breathes in his scent. Alastor sighs, "Come on now, wouldn't want anyone to see your disheveled morning hair.", "Five more minutess.." he retorts. Alastor takes a deep breath before unraveling them both from his wings and pushing Lucifer off him, making him fall on the floor. "Hey! What was that for?!" he asks, all his drowsiness gone. "Go." Alastor tells him sternly, buttoning up his suit. "Fine! I'll go now Mr. Entitled!" Lucifer huffs, stomping back upstairs to his room. Alastor chuckles as he was left alone on the couch. He didn't want to sit around and do nothing even though his wings had an injury. He walks to the kitchen, his footsteps light while making his surroundings glow with the light that was coming off him. He  cooked up some jambalaya for himself and the other people at the hotel before sitting down at the table to eat. Vaggie comes downstairs as the second one to wake up after Lucifer. She turns the light on and yawned before she saw him in the kitchen, already having cooked something. She took one glance of him eating before seating down across the table, also taking some jambalaya onto her plate. Vaggie stares at him for a short while before talking, "I didn't expect you to wake up so early." she remarks. "I suppose I can say the same to you." he replies. "How are your wings? You seem fine now." she asks. "I am indeed feeling better thanks to everyone's hospitality, thank you. I'll be leaving shortly after this." he replies. Vaggie looks at him with a hint of concern, "Are you sure you can't just stay here? Even that bitch Lute decided to stay, what's stopping you? Those guys up there are assholes, not like the guys here are any different, but they're slightly better." she tells him. The Speaker Angel shakes his head, "I'm afraid I can't do that. God will focus his wrath on the hotel if I did." he answers her ruffling his wings uncomfortably. "Hm. Well, okay. Your cooking is pretty good, it reminds me of a certain someone's." she comments, shifting the conversation away as she takes another spoonful of the dish. The Speaker Angel chuckles, "And who might that someone be?" he asks, amused. "Alastor, tall bastard, it's anyone's guess where he is now. I'm not complaining he's gone though. You wouldn't wanna meet him." she replies, acting all moody now that he was mentioned. 'The Speaker Angel' narrows his eyes, "Well he sounds like an interesting fellow." he grins, taking a final bite of his food. He stands up, "I need to go now, the other seraphim might be looking for me already." he tells her. Vaggie nods, "I'll tell them later. Come back if you decided to change your mind." she tells him one last time before turning back to her food. "Yes, thank you. That would be appreciated." he replies before walking out of there, his wings unfolding behind him as he walks into the lobby. A short while later, Alastor comes waltzing in, acting as if he had just arrived. He takes a look at Vaggie who was still eating. "Well, greetings there my dear!" he greets her cheerfully. Vaggie groans, not wanting to deal with him for now. "Don't worry, I won't be staying to bother you long." he chuckles. "I'm simply here to check the delightful smell." he replies, looking at the pot of jambalaya. "I see, well, I'm heading off to my tower for the day! Tell Charlie where I am in case she asks." he tells her before walking off.

Another Way for Me to Reach You ⟫ Lucifer x AlastorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang