Chapter 17: Reunion

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The next day, Alastor led the angelic army into hell. Of course, sinners were terrified and tried to flee but the angels were faster with their wings. The demons were no match for their spears and were nearly wiped out. Alastor had instructed them to be more destructive in their exterminating and also destroy houses so that all the sinners who dared to disrespect Charlie would have their lives and possessions taken. He hated people that bitched about for no reason. He ordered them to slaughter everyone in sight, with few being taken captive for his personal entertainment later on [Human Centipede]. He specifically told them the day before to not fly near the hotel or else it would be a breach of contract in their mutual agreement. He just floated mid-air, feeling bored and uninterested in killing any sinners. He flapped his four wings, flying around to see anything that might entertain him for the time being as the exterminators took care of the sinners. Suddenly, he spots Lute trying to sneak off towards the hotel, clearly with unwell intentions. He follows her silently, keeping a watch from right above as he begins to observe the drama unfold.


Lute flies up to the hotel leading a small army of stray exterminators that didn't listen to Alastor's command. She gathered them along in a line, apparently convinced that the Speaker Angel was busy leading the other angels destroy Pentagram City. "Soldiers who are still loyal to Adam! Do you accept this injustice?!" she shouts at them, "No maam!" they reply in unison as they made a salute to her. "Then we shall take matters into out own hands, and avenge Adam at all costs! Even the Speaker Angel cannot stop us if he does not see us!" she shouts, raising her sword to the air. The angels screamed in agreement as they raised their swords or spears. She led them to the hotel, commanding them to surround the hotel. She the herself arrives at the front of the hotel having her army surround the hotel. "COWARDS! COME OUT AND FIGHT!" she shouts, pointing her spear at the hotel.

Charlie and Vaggie were inside, getting ready to fight while Lucifer and the others were preparing the hotel's defenses. Vaggie spreads out her wings while Charlie turns into her demon form with a burst of flames. They went outside to confront Lute and her army of angels. "Lute! How dare you?! You all are defying the contract that Sera and Emily signed!" Charlie shouts at her. Lute scoffs, not caring about consequences of her actions. "You want justice?! I'll give you justice! FOR ADAM!" she shouts back, "FOR ADAM!!" the others chanted after her. They all charged at the two, spears surrounding them from all angles. Charlie and Vaggie huddled together, not being able to defend themselves against such a horde of weapons all at once. Vaggie wrapped them both with her wings in hopes that they wouldn't be fatally hit. Lucifer appears, full demon and fire sprouting from his horns. "HOW DARE YOU TRY AND HURT MY DAUGHTER?!" He shouts at them, a tornado of fire surrounding them, repelling all the exterminators and making them drop to the ground. "Lucifer.. you might've killed Adam, but we're never going to leave without getting revenge for him!!" Lute shouts, picking herself up from the ground and brandishing her blade towards Lucifer and Charlie. Lucifer growls furiously as his hat falls to the ground, overtaken by the large horns on his head. The angels flew together in a formation behind Lute, raising their spears against them. Suddenly gunshots were heard and down went a few angels who were flying. Lute was furious and looked around to see who did it.

Angel appears, holding six guns in six hands while Husk was carrying a bazooka. Charlie was surprised, "Husk! Angel! You're both here! How did you get the bazooka Husk?. Husk smirks as he raises it and aims at the angels, "I have my.." he shoots it at the angels, causing a huge explosion in the exterminators's faces, "..Ways!". The exterminators scatter, flying towards them in a blinding speed while pointing their spears and swords. Angel and Husk try to shoot at them while Lucifer throws fireballs, but they all miss as the angels were more agile than expected. "You only got lucky the first time, don't expect us to go easy on you now!" one of the angels shouted at them as she flew nearer. Lucifer was slowly getting drained as he tries to conjure more fireballs and Husk and Angel were already out of ammo. One of the exterminators sneaks up on Charlie from behind, about to pierce her with her spear, when suddenly a clang of metal was heard as Vaggie tries to repel the angel with her own spear. Sparks flew in the air and another Angel tried to ambush Vaggie and Charlie rushes to defend her, holding the spear in place as she punches the exterminator in the face. "ALL GATHER!" Lute shouts, the angels retreating back to her side and forming another formation behind her. "ATTACK!!" she commands them, pointing at them with her sword as the angels rush to attack. Nifty arrives and hands over some more ammo to Angel and Husk. "Thanks Nift!" Angel replies as he reloads his gun and Husk readies his bazooka. Nifty pulls out the same dagger from before and turns to the exterminators with a crazed look in her eyes. "You've all been reall bad~ I'll stab you all!" Nifty shouts as she rushes towards them, the others following her. They were about to clash spear and sword to bullets and dagger.

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