Chapter 27 - Palace

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"You have everything with you?" Jean Claude asked, concern creasing his brow.

"Yes, I'm ready," Chay assured. JC had helped him gear up himself, he was just nervous, Chay knew.

"And I'll be with him," Reno said from beside them.

"You'll keep the town going in my stead," Chay told JC with resonance.

"Until you come back," JC replied, and Chay could feel the shimmer of magic that bound his promise. 'Do you really have to do this?' JC's eyes said, though they'd already had that argument and he did not voice it again.


"You're leaving your town vulnerable at a time like this?" JC said, leaning forward. "For the sake of one elf?"

"I'm sorry, but yes," Chay replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "But the town is far from defenseless."

"For a short time maybe. But what if you," JC paused and bit his lip. What if you don't make it?" he finished softly.

"I will. Reno and I will."

"I'd feel better if we could wait for this Jake guy to form up," Reno put in, "but there isn't time. He'll have to be Plan B. And our plan requires a very small group anyway. Just the two of us. It's the best way."

Jean Claude nodded.


Now Chay leaned forward and kissed JC soundly. Sweetly. Pouing all of his love and trust into that kiss. "We'll be back soon," he promised. Reno hugged JC from behind, and the three of them stayed there, bolstering the one they were leaving at home. Then JC turned and kissed Reno, wrapping his arms around his neck. Chay's churning heart warmed at the sight.

"You be careful too," JC told Reno, pounding his chest lightly with his fist.


That weekend was a much larger gathering than the one Zen had been to previously, and it was at the Imperial Palace.

"Mingle as you will and I'll request your attention as needed," Sion instructed mildly and set off into the crowd.

For all the Keep's modernity, the Palace was an ode to classical Dark style, with Gothic architecture and deep purples and reds. Many priceless magical artifacts were on display. Likely inherited through the generations, some the prizes of conquest, such as the Angelic statue in the entrance hall.

All three of them had been bid to come: Zen, Kevyn, and Brock. To what extent it was for Sion to show off his recruits to the Empress and how much he thought the three might be useful was yet to be seen. They did mingle but stayed within ten feet of each other as they had promised within Team Captive.

A Night Court fairy with spider-webbed wings and coal around his eyes approached Zen. "It seems rather lively tonight," he said.

Indeed, everyone was in high spirits and looking festive in their cocktail garb. A bat-winged demon woman danced with three vampires circling around her. A burly werewolf put a choice cut of beef on a fairy's plate. The fairy smiled widely, revealing pointed teeth. It wasn't the somber gathering Zen had imagined. Or a particularly wicked-looking one. He saw a healthy amount of schmoozing and flirting that wouldn't be out of place for many a party Zen has been to.

"Demons seem to know how to have fun," Zen agreed.

"Though, nothing beats Torrent's parties."

Zen was surprised. "I've been to a few of his."

"I know," the fairy said and winked. "We both went to his room with him that Winter Solstice night. Do you remember?"

Zen laughed and thought back. No wait, the only Winter Solstice party of Torrent's that he went to - it had been him and Chay there. And they both -" Zen gasped. "Ch-" he started, then stopped, eyes wide.

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