Chapter 4

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Ben directs me to a cafe in town, 'AJs cafe'. I park up outside of it, my eyes taking in every little detail of the town square.

"Are you coming or are you just gonna sit there?" He asks from outside of the car. I stare at him without any expression, my eyes emotionless.

"I wish I was as funny as you" My sarcasm responds. I can see that it bothers Ben, I can see how my sarcastic side coming out affects his aura. It becomes hotter and static like those lightening light bulb toys that used to attract all the children in the unique shops in malls.

He doesn't show that it bothers him and I wonder why. This isn't the Ben that I saw yesterday, this Ben brushes it off and smirks. "I know you do" he responds.

I reach for the door handle, opening it and allowing myself to exit onto the side walk.

We walk into the cafe, separately as if we're strangers. He leads the way and I follow behind him like a lost puppy dog.

"Good afternoon Ben, what are you doing here today?"

"Just showing Arabella around, AJ. Has there been any problems?" His question to her causes me to frown, why would there be any problems? Just as I catch on to the second part of what Ben says, she catches on to the first.

"You've grown up a lot Arabella" she smiles down at me "how are you coping?" She's the first in this town to ask me that and for once I'm okay with it. I'm not angry at her for asking the most ridiculous question on earth after my father has died.  It's nice for someone to care about me and ask me how I'm doing, instead of me having to be the stable one asking how my mom and sister are doing. Unlike other people, AJ doesn't dance around the truth, she doesn't just smile sympathetically and avoid addressing what happened.

I return her smile, feeling a slight connection with her. I nod "I'm doing better thanks" she smiles back, she had the smile that would warm the coldest of hearts and out anyone at ease.

"I'm always here if you need to chat dear"

I smile back, fiddling with my hair. "Thank you"

"Now, what can I get you both?" She bursts, clapping her hands together. Me and Ben order Hot chocolates and wait for them. I listen in on his and AJ's conversation, not feeling guilty for it in anyway, although a part of me tells me I should.

We sit at a window booth and he's the first to strike up the conversation "why won't you put your guard down?" He asks with a tilted head

"Because I don't like people intruding on my thoughts" He looks disapprovingly at my choice of words "you asked, I answered."

"I wouldn't call it intruding Arabella, I can't control it"

I do believe him. He can't control it and it's just a part of who he is. "then it's a good job I can" I say as I smile sweetly.

He smiles at me, as if he's in deep thought and he stays like that for a couple of seconds "I wanted to apologise for yesterday Arabella" he begins. "The way I spoke to you wasn't how any guy should talk to his mate"

This isn't what I was expecting, although I can't complain. That's why he changed today-he regretted yesterday.

"It's fine Ben, I shouldn't of pushed you or said what I did"

He shakes his head "you had a question, what was that question?" I frown. Is he referring to the question that made us hate each other yesterday? "I don't like repeating myself Arabella"

I begin to rush myself, stuttering because of it "w-why didn't you help my pack? Why did you make us fight alone"

He takes a sip of his drink before resting it on the table and sighing, I can't help but follow his every movement with my eyes. "Your father did ask us to fight, your mother made him ask and said we would help, so we did, we said yes to helping him and it was only a fortnight before the battle that he came to us again." I feel myself on the edge of my seat, waiting for him to tell me more "he sat in the office with me an my father and said he wants a pack to be a whole and to be there for you, your mother and Emmeline when the battles over- a place for you to call home, so he told us to withdraw our offer to help and wait for you to arrive. He had told your mother the night of the battle where to go and when"

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