Chapter 12

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My body is being shaken and I open my eyes to Ben crouching over me. He's relieved as my eyes open "Oh, thank God" He says, pulling me close to his body. I wince a little at the pain from being thrown around.

My guard is down and Ben quickly loosens his hold "Sorry, I didn't think of your injuries."

I'm weak which means that my witch powers are at a low for now. "Will" I manage to spit out as I sit up, wincing at the pain.

"We'll sort him out later, we need to get you to the doctor"

I shake my head "No, not now. Will could be anywhere."

"Arabella. I have multiple men patrolling the borders and even more searching for him. Forget about Will and please think about yourself."

I want to argue with him and tell him that no one is safe until we know where he is but Ben won't give up when it comes to my health. Reluctantly, I agree and he helps me to stand. "Easy" He says as I battle with the pain in my body to get to my feet. "I can carry you" He offers, but I don't want him to.

I shake my head "No, I'm fine, I can walk" I say, offering him a small smile to say thank you.

I'm annoyed at myself for not killing Will, or at least keeping him where he was, but who was the other wolf? Ben's arm is wrapped around my waist, offering me support and I'm silent as I hobble beside him. I'm scratched on my back, my clothes are burning slightly as the material of my top and sweatshirt rubs on them.

"He had someone helping him" I say with a frown.
Ben kisses my temple "Forget about that for now" I can't. I physically cannot remove Ben or his wolf helper from my memory. Was it his dad? If Will is a part of the rogue pack then his mom and dad surely know.

Dread fills me as I think of my mom and Emmy being with his mom and dad at the mall. "Ben, my mom and Emmy-"

He interrupts me, able to read my mind which if I wasn't so focussed on Will and my family right now, I'd be annoyed at. "I called them, they're on their way back."

"And Will's parents?" I ask, my anger rising as I think of heir family.

"They're on the way too, they're just as surprised as us." He explains.

I find that hard to believe. How can you not know your son enough to know that he's planned an attack against your old pack and old Alpha? This was all a part of their plan, it had to be and they had to be in on it.

I want him to punish them, get the answers from them but I know that this is my rage talking. I want Will caught but he could be anywhere now, he could have ran back to his pack of nasty wolves and planning their attack on this pack.

"Please stop worrying Arabella, they won't come near us, not so soon after harming you. They'll know that security will be up."

"Will you stop listening to my thoughts?" I ask, irritated.

He smirks "You know I can't help it."

I wish he could. It's invasive, frustrating and rude.

"Rude?" He asks.

I scowl at him as my response. Yes, rude.

Luckily, we make it to the pack house before I bite Ben's head off and he takes me straight to the doctors office. Ben doesn't know and I have a feeling that the doctor was expecting us. He looks up over his computer and points to the bed in the room. It looks exactly like a doctors room, I don't know why I was expecting any different.

"Arabella, how are you?" He asks, putting his gloves on.

What sort of question is that? Ben hears my thoughts and raises his eyebrows, telling me to respond nicely.

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