Chapter 8

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I wake in a warm and comfy bed, feeling like I'm in heaven as I'm surrounds with soft pillows, darkness and a scent that is all too familiar. Realising it's Ben's scent, I push myself up so that I'm sat against the head board. I look to my side, all suspicions confirmed, I fell asleep downstairs last night and I've ended up staying here.

I feel shy all of a sudden as I lie next to him, watching his sleep peacefully, his mouth slightly one. I watch as his chest rises and falls, the top of his bare chest is showing as it peaks out of the covers and shows his muscles. I don't think I've ever shared a bed with anyone before and now I've shared it with a man I've known for less than a week.

As I look at him, feeling a lot like a creep who's snuck into his room to obsess over him, I realise that the bond is there and there's no room to deny it anymore. I was terrified of being close to him because I was terrified of what accepting an Alpha as a mate could do, but now I'm willing to dive in the deep end, even if it is just to test the waters.

I didn't expect to stumble across a mate, I didn't even think that it was possible to have one, yet here I am next to him in his room. I look at the walls in his huge room. It's fairly plain with a desk against one wall and an armchair in the corner, books piled up on the end table beside it. It's obvious that his mom decorated my house and this one, especially with how similar the layout is. His bed is a sleigh bed, it's a dark oak and it's sturdy as hell which is needed for a guy of his size.

I frown, looking down at what I'm wearing, noticing that I'm out of yesterday's clothes and am now in a long T-shirt which I remember sleepily changing into and not bothering to make Ben look away. I'm surprised that he even managed to wake me up in the first place, my mom always calls me a zombie when I'm tired.

I feel him stir beside me and I hug the quilt closer to me, feeling shy all of a sudden. He saw it all last night, but I didn't care last night, I do care now. I don't even have nice underwear on!

"Good Morning" Ben whispers as he looks up at me with a smile.

I'm unsure how he's able to look so good even in the morning. His blonde hair is messy, his eyes are sleepy but his smile is wide.

"Morning" I respond quietly, squirming.

"Arabella, are you shy?" He asks with a smirk.

I wish I could deny it but I'm unbelievably shy right now, sat in this bed.

"I'm not shy" I try to deny, regardless of what I really feel. "I'm just tired"

He chuckles, sitting up slightly and crossing his muscular arms across his chest "Well, I think it's quite cute"

I roll my eyes jokingly "I'm not cute"

He laughs "Well, you weren't yesterday evening, your rage was terrifying!"

I laugh, feeling like I should be quieter but this place is so big that I doubt anyone can hear. "You'll do well to remember that" I retort, smirking.

He raises his brows "Is that a threat, Miss Sanchet?"

"It's a warning" I say back, the smirk still on my face.

"You said you didn't want to go home last night" He says, changing the topic slightly.

I frown, trying to remember. "I did?"

He nods "In your sleep, yes"

I should have known I'd sleep talk, it's how my dad used to get most secrets out of me. I pull the duvet up and over my head in embarrassment, I don't even want to think about what else I said.

He chuckles, pulling the duvet down. "That's an invasion of privacy!" I say, feigning a sulk.

"It's not an invasion if you're telling me"

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