Chapter 24

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I felt like I was an outsider looking in. I'm looking at my life, how it's going to be for the rest of time with no going back. I don't regret my decision to stand by this pack and be their Luna because I brought the trouble to them. I regret us ever coming here, I know I had no control over the decision but I wish I did.

I feel disappointed in myself for bringing this trouble here. I watch as everyone drinks their champagne and talks about their packs, their life and their plan for the future. What if the future won't arrive? What if the future is far from what we expect and includes a broken pack and broken lives?

I feel frustrated as I listen to Ben talk about us like we're going to be the perfect couple. I'll make sure that we're a strong Luna and Alpha . We will do well for this pack but can I trust him enough to be a good mate? A good man to stand by me because so far all he's done is lie.

I can sense my mom and Grandma in the pack house and I immediately want to leave, run to them and hide behind them. The thought of hiding frustrates me, no Luna should hide, no Luna should feel the need to hide because it's a coward thing to do but everything just seems too much at the moment.

One minute I was a 17 year old girl, grieving her loss. The next minute, I'm a mate, a Luna, a target. I'm not sure where everything went so wrong but I don't think it started in this pack. This is something that started a long time ago, I just never knew or realised.

I feel emotional as I sip the bubbles, letting them. flow down my neck. Ben's eyes keep travelling over to me and soon enough, Jace comes to entertain me.

"You look deep in thought" He says. Him, Ben and Jeff keep looking at me like I'm a bomb that's about to blow.

I try and bring myself back into the present, putting a smile back on my face. "Sorry, I think my mom and Grandma have just walked in" I say.

He smiles back at me "I'm sure you can go and say hey to them" He says, turning slightly to look around the room. Even though he's suggested it, I still feel like I'd be wrong for doing it.

"Really?" I ask, unsure.

He nods "Go on, we don't mind. I mean you are going to be Luna soon, you can do what you want" He jokes with a wink.

Regardless, I still feel slightly rude. I'm in two minds. I want to leave the room and talk to my family, but my job is here. I feel like I need to be here to be a host. How do you be a teenager, a witch, a Luna and a host all in one?

My mind begins to swirl and I think the best thing is that I leave the room. I nod, passing my empty flute to Jace and making my way over to Sofia and Alberto.

"My mother and Grandma have just arrived so I have to go and sort some things out with then, I hope I'll see you both at dinner?"

Sofia smiles at me "Of course, I think Benjamin wants a barbecue to announce it to the pack." I look to Ben. A barbecue, just what we need, why don't we throw Archie's body on there whilst we're at it?

I clench my jaw as I pin a smile to my face, pretending that I think a barbecue is a great idea.

"That's great, I'll see you all later." I leave the room and Ben doesn't attempt to follow. My pace is fast, like I'm about to break into a sprint and my mom and Grandma are in the library which is situated in the west wing.

I open the door, bursting in to find them both scanning the bottom shelf. The room is huge with marble white floors, multiple shelves, an old-school library ladder which goes straight up the top. The room is in a circle shape with a roof that has old style paintings all over it. The room is stunning and is almost enough to take your breath away.

The Luna WitchOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora