Chapter Twelve

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The plan didn't work.

Not the entire plan, but Camila's plan to be inconspicuous in a corner.

She had changed her position five times in the club now, each one more hidden than the last, yet men seemed to gravitate towards her.

Her outfit was not the problem.

Half of the girls there wore far more revealing outfits.

Also, she had confirmed from one of their conversations that they didn't know why they were drawn to her.

Suppressing her irritation, she moved again to another part of the room, while keeping her eyes on the princess chatting happily with Taylor on a couch, approximately 35 feet away from Camila.

After a few minutes of silent drinking and watching, the princess stood and walked in the direction of the only bathroom with an escape route as they had planned.

Camila immediately noticed the four men who stepped out of the shadows and followed the princess.

As Camila began to move, a boy between the ages of sixteen and eighteen staggered in front of her and slurred, "Hey, beautiful..."

He did not complete his sentence because Camila hit the pressure point on his neck and paralyzed him.

Using the noise that started as a result of the boy's collapse as a cover, she followed quickly after the men.

The scene she met was expected- a nearly unconscious princess, fighting to her last breath and four men trying to hold her down.

Jumping into the action immediately with the element of surprise as an aide, Camila stabbed tranquilizers, that had been well hidden in her long boots, into the necks of the two men nearest to her.

The sound of their slumping alerted the other two to an intruder.

Before they could let go of the princess and react, Camila rushed forward and stabbed two more tranquilizers in their necks.

"You're fast," the princess coughed out.

"Not fast enough. You should not be like this," Camila said.

"Oh, I'll be fine. My blood is strong. I just need to rest here a bit," she whispered.

"My princess, that might be a problem. There are more of them. If my calculations are correct, at least six more."

Four for the initial mission. Four for backup. Two for a getaway.

"Oh gosh. You'll need my help to fight them," the princess said, trying to lean upwards.

In one swift motion, Camila swept her into her arms.

"There is a time to fight and a time to run, Your Highness."

"Now's the time to run?"

Camila nodded, "I would fight but with your condition, it will be a losing battle."

"Thanks, Camila," the princess said, "You better get home safely. Alex has taken a liking to you."

Ignoring the girl's statement, Camila held Princess Adelaide tighter as she fell unconscious. She opened a door that the construction workers of the building had probably forgotten to seal and began to run in the direction of a predetermined rendezvous point.

She then used her shoulder to click on her communicator to alert Decebel, the head of the defense warriors of the royal pack.

"Camila! Finally! Was your lead solid?" Decebel asked.

He was one of the few thousand-year-old paranormals who didn't treat her like a child. After she had saved his squad from death a few times through her superior battle strategy, he'd come to respect her regardless of her age.

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