Chapter Nineteen

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Camila thought back to the previous night.

Had she actually smiled?

She glanced at the source of her happiness beside her who was staring at the history book with a confused expression. When she had suggested the continuation of their lessons during the car ride, he had protested but finally acquiesced.

Although the driver and Freda could not see them through the vehicle partition, Camila ensured to be cautious with their interactions during the car ride.

“What's the problem?” she asked the prince.

“I thought meeting her mate would fuel her power,” he said showing her the page. On it was the monstrous woman who eliminated a third of the world during the war 1500 years ago. From the picture, one could tell she was wolf but it seemed that her wolf form had undergone mutations. Her claws and teeth were sharper than the average royal wolf's and her strength and speed rivaled the vampires of that time. Whatever genetic modifications she had undergone was clearly intended to make her into a perfect organic war machine.

“She met her mate and in haste, delivered a mortal blow. She reverted to her normal form as he died-,” Camila said.

“Allowing the soldiers around to kill her,” the prince completed. “Does anyone know where she's from?” he asked.

Camila shook her head. “It's one of the mysteries knowledge keepers are dedicated to solving.”

“When you do find out, let me know,” he said and continued reading. Warmth enveloped her body because of the confidence he had in her abilities. She resolved not to fail him.

“We're here,” the driver's voice sounded through the intercom.

The prince moved to open his car door.

Camila hissed. “Don't you dare.”

His hand flew away from the door and he let her leave the car first. When she came down, she scanned the area with her senses checking for threats, not even stopping to stare at the Alpha at the door of his pack house. When she was certain that the area was clean, she signaled the driver to open the door for the prince.

In the few seconds that she was outside, he had put on his cape, his crown and his regal personality. When he walked, he ensured to remain behind the two females. The driver and Decebel's second in command, Carlos acted as his personal bodyguard and walked behind him.

“Your Highness, to what do I owe this surprise visit?” Alpha Bastille bellowed. The man was one of the oldest wolves alive, older than the King and Queen themselves and only a few years younger than the members of the shifter council. His hair had faded to a deep gray over his four thousand years but his brown eyes and gait remained as sharp as ever.

Prince Alexander gave him a playful smile. “Am I unwelcome, Alpha?”

The Alpha laughed. “Of course not. I just wish you'd given us more time to prepare more suitable arrangements.”

“No need for that. I'm just passing through. I need on-site learning to supplement my lessons. What better place to visit than the largest pack in the area?”

“Sound reasoning, my prince. Shall we step into the dining room for a late breakfast?” the Alpha suggested.

The coy look in his eyes was enough indication that he had something nefarious planned.

“Certainly. I hear you have fine chefs that could rival the royal kitchen.”

“You flatter me, my prince,” he replied with an incline of his head that was too high to be considered a bow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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