Changbin's Warmth

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Kala was being harsh to herself again, and it had been going on for five days since Felix's elimination. But after the farewell, she didn't cry, at all. Chan in the beginning was relieved the younger girl managed to appear stronger this time. Oh only if he knew her coping mechanism turned into an act of silence, he would much prefer Kala expressing her sadness through crying because he didn't remember the last time he heard her speak more than five sentences a day.

This behavior of the maknae had a major impact on Changbin, especially, as they would always talk so much on their after-school walking routine. Kala could babble a lot about any topic she liked the entire way to the company. Now she barely even gave Changbin a reply to anything he said. Most of the time she just hummed, nodded, shook her head, or offered a small smile.

Changbin missed Kala even when she was exactly beside him, walking wordlessly, head down to the road, and hands gripping her bag straps. Earlier he already attempted a conversation about BTS's new comeback, something he hoped would pull out Kala from the trance, but to no avail she just mustered a tiny smile that Changbin almost didn't notice and muttered, "Yeah, they're great", then went back to her hole of gloom. It was like they were back to their old awkward situation.

No, it couldn't go on like this. Changbin didn't want that state of their relationship to repeat itself. He had enough of it thank you very much. So now he decided he would try a different approach to break whatever this thing that was going on with Kala. This time he was certain she definitely would get out from the facade she created to cover her distress.

"Kala-ya, do you regret joining Stray Kids?" Changbin shot his chance without warning.

That surely succeeded in making Kala snap her gaze up as she halted her steps. Her forehead creased in detest, clearly not liking how the question even popped into Changbin's mind. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He shrugged, still displaying a nonchalant expression in order to bait her. "Well, you've been acting so distant with all of us. I started to think that maybe you realized you don't want to be with us anymore after knowing the reality of being in a group."

Kala breathed in deeply, composing her words not to sound too rude when it came out. "Hyungnim, I've been thinking about so many things these past few days, but that thought never once crossed my mind," she stated unwavering. "Did you suddenly forget what I have gone through to be in Stray Kids?"

Instantly feeling bad, Changbin did his best to maintain his calm demeanor. "Then why are you pushing us away? You become insanely quiet, you don't let us help you, you choose to handle all the shits on your own. Why are you doing this to us? To yourself?"

She sighed roughly. "Because I'm still trying to accept the fact that we already lost two members! And it's hard! So hard that I don't want to share this with the others!" Kala finally bursted out after all the silence she'd built within herself. Tears began to gather in the bottom lid of her eyes, the downfall sign of her camouflage. "It's so hard, Hyungnim. I don't know how I can make it through this."

And as Kala let out a painful sob, that was a cue for Changbin to bring her into his chest and wrap his arms around her shoulders. His body radiated a comforting warmth that she desperately needed. "I'm sorry, Kala, for this to happen. You wouldn't experience this hardship if only you weren't with us. I'm sorry." His words were accompanied by little sniffles. "But please hang in there. Stay with us, Kala. Don't give up on Stray Kids."

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