Dormmates Parting

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Ryujin and Kala were having their last dinner as dormmates tonight. By the morning, they both would leave this unit to move to the girl group project's dorm for Ryujin and Kala to Stray Kids' new dorm. All their stuff was packed and ready to be transferred for moving day tomorrow.

For this special dinner, Kala cooked an entire set of home meals that Ryujin devoured with great relish. She finished it in a blink, not sure whether she was starving or the food was just that good. Either way, her stomach was always satisfied with Kala's cooking, especially because she couldn't enjoy this more often in the days ahead.

"Thank you for the food, Kala. You're the best," Ryujin declared as she leaned back on the chair, happy for eating so well.

A smile was pulled at Kala's lips looking at the clean bowls without left over. "Glad you like it."

Later then, they gathered all the bowls and cleaned up the table. It was Ryujin's turn to wash the dishes this time, so she began to soak them with running water.

"It's a shame that I won't get to eat your cooking as often as I'd like anymore," Ryujin pouted initiating a conversation, genuinely upset by the thought of their separation after two years of living together.

The older girl still remembered the first time she moved into the trainee dorm after passing the audition. She was sad that she didn't get the same unit with the other girl group project members because it was already full and she ended up being secluded in this small unit for two people. But when Kala came, it didn't seem too bad anymore.

The younger girl had everything Ryujin could ever ask for in a dormmate. Kala was neat, fun to be around, a good listener, knew when to be loud, wasn't hard to wake up, and was really good at cooking. If those weren't the best dormmate things, then she didn't know what to call them.

"Don't worry, I'll come visit you often," Kala replied while drinking her water, hadn't moved from her chair after the feast.

"You'll barely have time, trust me. Rookie group's schedules are insane," Ryujin spoke, a warning tone underscoring her words.

"But I'm so excited for that," Kala grinned in happy-go-lucky.

"Sure you do." Ryujin cast a glance through her shoulder and reciprocated Kala's smile. She was more than glad to hear Stray Kids debuting as 9 members after those awful days of Kala mourning her two eliminated members.

 "Oh, right!" Kala exclaimed suddenly, jolting upright and sprinting to their room upstairs to get something.

"What? What is it?" Ryujin shouted the question, peeking at the railing of the mezzanine.

"Wait there! I'll be right back!" The sound of commotion could be heard from above as Kala rummaged through her packed bags.

Ryujin just shrugged it off and continued to rinse the dishes. Two more bowls and she was done. By the time she was wiping the kitchen sink, Kala descended the stairs with a small box in her hands.

"Ooh~ what you got there?" Ryujin implied in a tease, noticing the box that was wrapped in shining blue paper.

Kala sat down on the couch in the living room and waved to Ryujin to also take a seat. "Come here. I got something for you."

Folding the wet cloth, Ryujin hung it on the pantry edge and made her way to Kala. "What's this? You got me a present?"

"Just a little farewell gift." Kala handed that small box with a little grey ribbon on top of it to Ryujin. "I know it's not really a farewell, but we're not going to see each other every day anymore after this, and I just want to give you something to remembered me by."

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