Chapter Two

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The night air was crisp, there were hints of fall among the trees and the wind was a little chilly as it blew. I sat on top of a table in the courtyard watching the field that led to the wall. Briarwood was surrounded by wrought iron gates and brick walls. They were heavily guarded by The Chosen who walked the walls throughout all hours of the day. We saw them often and it was a promise that vampires weren't getting in. Vampires looked for trainees. Trainees were easy and it decreased the numbers against them. Why wouldn't they hunt us? Even so, Briarwood was easily the safest place in the world for hunters.

"Welp," Raven said as she crossed the courtyard in her slippers, "Torenson's fine. She's got a nasty black eye and a slight case of whiplash, but sounds like she'll be alright."

I gave her a small smile. "Thanks for checking on that for me."

Raven was the best friend I never thought I'd be lucky enough to have. We met my first year, we'd been chosen to room together and we connected immediately. She had an interest in teaching at the school after graduation. She intended to become a psychology professor and I thought she'd be good at it. She was kind and helpful. She loved the study of the mind and she didn't want to fight for a living. And I didn't fault her for that. It wasn't for everyone.

"Of course." She said as she tucked her dark hair behind her ears and climbed up onto the tabletop beside me.

We stared out at the night together watching as young stragglers darted across the field towards the dorms. The youth had stricter rules than we did. They had a curfew that was strongly enforced and they couldn't fraternize in their rooms. Everything had to be in the open.

Raven and I were twenty-three. We were in our final year at Briarwood, which would typically be the same as earning an associate's degree at a prestigious college. We didn't have curfews or rules about boys in our rooms. The only thing we had to do? Show up to training and courses regularly. Drinking was prohibited on campus if you were still a student, but you could indulge in town. The world of hunters and vampires was weird.

"It was weird that the Dragons were here today." She said.

"Very strange." I agreed as I thought about it. "Mitchel looked good though."

She cut her dark eyes to me. "When does he look bad?"

"Is he capable of looking bad?"

"Exactly." She smiled at me.

"He's here even less than the Dragons are." I said. "So I think it's extra weird that he was here."

"Yeah, but I'm sure those random times we do see him are when he does his rounds at the school. Very few and far between. He's got this place so locked down he probably hardly has to be here."

"Probably and it's Fremont's job to scout us, so." I shrugged.

"I met with Dr. Harden today." She said. "I asked her if I could spend the second semester being her assistant. Learn the ropes and see if psychology is truly a fit."

"That's great!" I said. "What did she say?"

"She thought it was a good idea." She shrugged.

"That's great, Rae." I gave her a small smile. "I'm happy for you."

"It's not confirmed. I need three faculty signatures before she considers it."

"You'll get them. Go talk to Fremont in the morning, he'll sign off. You're going to do great."

She smiled at me. "Thanks, Wren."

I stared out at the night again. "Maybe I can monitor the grounds and you can go off and teach. We could still have lunch and dinners together."

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