Chapter Eight

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"What's this I hear you put Mitchel on his back tonight?" Fremont asked around a bite of food.

Well, I wish that rumor was formatted a little differently, but it was still a positive. "Because I did."

His eyes flashed to mine.

"Then he put me on mine."

Fremont shook his head. "Wait to celebrate or meet your fate."

"It's not over till it's over." I sang his mantra with him.

"Gotta keep your eyes open."

"I know. It was a solid spar though." I said.

"Yeah, that's a nice bruise ya got there along the jaw."

"Well, he got me."

"Not a bad thing to take one from the Chief."

"He's got a matching one."

"That's my girl." He said. "Reaper said it was a pretty even spar."

"I held my own."

"He said it was pretty to watch. Like you guys matched well."

"Wish you could have seen it." I smiled.

"You'll have to rechallenge him when I'm there."

I grew silent as I moved my food around my plate. I wanted to ask Fremont some things, but I never really knew how to bring them up. It's not that Fremont made it difficult, it just felt like I brought up the past too much and the past always hurt. This was the time in our once-a-week dinner when I thought about it. I thought about bringing it up and chickening out. But the girl that just spared with the Chief didn't chicken out of tough conversations. I had to ask him.

"Did Dad tell you to take care of me?"

Fremont lifted his gaze from his plate. "No. I chose to. He asked me to watch out for you, but he never asked me to be involved this much."

"I love that you look out for me." I said. "I don't want you to think I don't."

He nodded. "You know, Wren," he paused, "I think it's important to know that people love you for you. Sure you're Jeff's daughter and we all loved Jeff, but you're quite likable yourself. You don't give yourself enough credit."

"It must be true because this is the second time I've heard something similar this week."

"Raven, she adores the shit out of you. That's you. That's not Jeff. And even though I hate to admit it, that Mason kid seems to enjoy you too. Just... do me a favor. Don't date that idiot."

I laughed. "Consider it done."

"What's got you thinking about Dad tonight?"

"I had my first psych eval today."

He nodded, understanding. "Did it go well?"

"I think so. Just brought up Dad and everything." I shrugged. "Got me thinking." I waited to ask the big question. "Isla knew about the vampires." I said. "Why didn't they tell me?"

"Isla found out when she turned sixteen. They were going to tell you, but the attack beat them to it."

"I miss them." I whispered.

"Me too, Kid." He said. "Your Dad was my best friend."

I gave him a small smile.

"But we do this," he gestured between us at the conversation, "and we keep them alive. We owe them that."

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