Chapter Three

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"So did you get in trouble?" Raven asked Emmet as we left our math class.

Emmet shrugged. "What do you mean trouble? We don't get in trouble anymore."

"Well, what happened?" She prompted.

"She told me that I needed to grow up basically."

I frowned. "I don't think that's fair. I thought your argument was valid." I started down the steps to the main level. 

He threw his hands up. "She said I was doing it for attention." He said as he and Raven followed me down the steps. "I think deep down she wants me and that's why."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, that's it, Peter Pan."

"I just wish she'd get the hint."

"What hint is that?" Raven asked with a smile as we jogged down the steps.

"That there's only one girl that has my heart and it's Wren."

"Shut up, that's-" I was rounding the corner when I almost ran right into Mitchel. We stared at each other, an inch or so apart, as we both registered internally what was happening. "Ridiculous." I finished my sentence as his eyes searched mine.

It felt like the room stopped. The normal commotion of the day ceased to exist as Mitchel and I stood there. What was happening? How did this happen? Why weren't either of us saying anything? Why was he so hot? And why was my stomach tightening like I could throw up at any moment? Like a little schoolgirl who had a crush on her teacher. This was terrible. Truly. Not that he was a teacher and the ten-year age difference between us was even that bad, but still. Regardless. He was right in front of me, his 6'3 frame towering over me as he stared down at me. The air in my lungs- non-existent. My brain- mush. The words- not forming. Embarrassing.

He lifted his eyes from mine to Raven and Emmet standing behind me and then returned his eyes to me.

"Sorry." I whispered, but I didn't move.

"For walking?" He asked.

"I wasn't looking."

He was quiet for a moment. "Neither was I."

"Silas?" Dr. Harden called from the top of the stairs.

Her office was up there. That's where he was heading, I'm sure of it.

His eyes broke free of mine and drifted up the stairs to where she was as my eyes slowly roamed down his body of lean hard muscle. He wasn't a meathead or anything, he wasn't large, just slim with rock-hard muscle. Sculpted.

"You coming?" She asked.

His eyes returned to mine and mine snapped to his. He caught me checking him out. That was great. This was going swimmingly. A slow smirk started across his lips as he registered what I was doing.

"Yeah." He said to her.

I bit my lip, looked away, and cleared my throat. "Sorry again."

"Don't be." He responded just as quietly.

I risked another gaze at his eyes and paused.

"Nice move at the end the other day." He said.

"Oh," I paused, "thanks."

"It was a great spar."

"I've been working hard."

"I know." He said. "I can tell."

"Silas." Dr. Harden said.

His eyes never left mine. "I'm coming, Mira."

"I won't keep you." I said. "Sorry for almost bumping into you. Spatial awareness sometimes is a weakness. Apparently attention deficit as well."

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