Chapter Fifteen

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"Isla says that she and Drake are soulmates just bound to happen." I rolled my eyes at how stupid it sounded.

Dad smiled at me over a bit of cheesecake. "You don't believe in soulmates?"

I shrugged. "I don't think you'll find one at the age of seventeen."

"You never know. It's possible."

"Drake Milford is hardly soulmate potential. He can't even pass algebra. This is his second time around and I think Mrs. McCaully is going to pass him just so he can get his scholarship."

"You don't get to choose who your soulmate is, Wrenny."

"Are you and Mom soulmates?" I asked.

"Sure. I think so."

"Do you think I'll have one?"

He smiled as he leaned on his hand. "I think you will."

"I hope he knows how to fight."

"For his sake, I hope he does too, my little Wren."

"I think my idea of a soulmate would be someone who wants to spend Saturday afternoons on the mat."

He laughed. "You're so mine, it's not even funny."

"But Mom doesn't like to spar or train." I said.

Dad looked out the window and pondered my last comment. Raindrops were lightly tapping along the window and running down the glass to the frame. Thunder cracked along the sky as he turned back to me. "I think we have several soulmates in life." He finally said.

I lifted my brows.

"I think one of my soulmates isn't romantic."

"A friend soulmate? Like Greg?"

He smiled lovingly at me. "I think you're my soulmate."

"Yeah?" I perked up.

"I wasn't sure if I ever wanted to be a dad. Even after we had Isla. I wasn't sure if I'd be good at it. Unfortunately, I feel like I failed Isla a little because of my hesitation. I always wanted to do the right thing. I didn't want to screw her up. I think it wasn't until we had you that I realized if I tried too hard like I did, being afraid like I was, that's what screws kids up. You just gotta love 'em, take care of 'em, and send 'em on the right path. Hope something sticks." He winked at me. "But I realized too how much I loved being a dad. I love these moments with you. I love the moments I have with Isla. I think that if we never had you, I would have missed being your dad."

I smiled at him.

"I think a soulmate is someone that reminds us what it feels like to be alive. I think a soulmate is someone who loves you and always comes back to you. Someone you can't seem to live without. Someone who encourages you and roots for you even if you're not looking. Someone who supports you. Someone who sees you and thinks- this life wouldn't be right if they weren't there. Someone who makes an impact on you. I think that's a soulmate. I think that's you for me, Wrenny. You changed my life. Changed my perspective." He said. "You'll find a soulmate in a romantic partner, but you'll always have a soulmate in me too."

I jogged around the island and wrapped my arms around him. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, my little Wren."

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