Chapter Nine

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“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ― Cicero

Who Let You Out

Jayden followed the scent of his mate as he ran into the dark forest. She mustn't have gone too far and what the hell was she thinking entering into the forest anyway ? What if she was attacked by a ferocious animal or a rogue Werewolf.

He increased his speed as he dodged branches of lower trees and high roots of trees.

Ashina ran and ran as fast as her legs could carry her in the dark eerie forest. She hadn't even gotten far into the forest when she felt that something was chasing her so she increased her speed while praying to the moon goddess to save her from the trouble she had gotten herself into.

She should have just stayed back in the mansion. She shouldn't have listened to Klara, she thought it will be easier for to escape but instead she got herself into trouble.

Something was chasing her, something huge was chasing her. She couldn't see what it was but she could feel it behind her, she could hear it's deep scary and ferocious growls reverberating and shaking the forest.

It sounded like she was being chased by a Wolf. It couldn't be the Alpha or was he back and was chasing after her.

Could it be Dexter, her watch Wolf ?

He would have known about her absence in the mansion and was now chasing after her.

She wouldn't let the Alpha or Dexter catch up with her not after she had gone this far.

She was getting tired from running as she hadn't taken a break but she couldn't rest while she was being chased.

Meanwhile Jayden who was still following the scent of his mate let out a ferocious growl when he caught the scent of a rogue Wolf and just then he heard the roar of the rogue Werewolf and he ran more faster deep into the forest when he caught sight of a black Wolf some distance away from him.

It looks like it was chasing something with how fast it was running and just then Jayden heard the sound of beating heart and gasping with his sharp hearing.

He was right the rogue Werewolf was chasing after his mate and he began to chase after the Werewolf and not up to a minute he caught up with the rogue Werewolf as he push it aside making it hit a tree with a loud thud that he could hear the sound of breaking of bones.

The impact in which the Werewolf had use to hit the tree had been so strong that it broke a few bones in it's body and it shook it's head as it got up on his feet and growled at the Werewolf who had push it aside.

But upon seeing the huge Werewolf standing in front of it he immediately recognize the Alpha and it whimpered but it refused to show it's neck in surrender and he moved back in slow steps seeing that the Alpha was not attacking him he immediately move to attack the Alpha but Jayden was quick enough to claw its chest and push him down to the ground biting it's neck with his razor sharp cannies.

The black rogue Werewolf whimpered in pains when he felt the Alpha's powerful huge cannies sank into it's neck and it tried to release himself because if he didn't he would die because of the blood it was loosing but then Jayden threw it towards another tree with his bloody fangs.

As soon as the black Werewolf hit the tree for the second time it's immediately got up on its feets and ran away for it's life.

Jayden watch it run away but didn't chase after him because he knew he wouldn't survive his feral bite on its bleeding neck.

He had more important thing to do and that was his mate. He still had to catch her and return back to the mansion and he was going to punish her so that next time she wouldn't try to think of escaping next time.

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