Chapter Fifteen

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“You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.”

The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle

She Is His Mate

“ I didn't come alone, I came with the Alpha and he's waiting for me outside ” Ashina said and Aunt Evelyn and Nate stared at her and then at the closed door.

“ You mean the Alpha is outside right now ” Evelyn asked.

“ Yes... ” Ashina answered.

“ I thought he let you go so why are you in a hurry and why are you parking, what's going on honey ”

“ It's a long story mum but for now please help me park my things ” Ashina said and glanced at the door as though Jayden was already coming to drag her out of the house.

Five minutes Ashina have passed by now.

Right, where was her phone ?

“ Okay ” Aunt Evelyn said and they both went inside her room to park while Nate walked up to the door and he opened it and looked outside to see a blue car parked outside.

The glass were tinted so he couldn't see who sitting inside but he knew it was the Alpha who had kidnapped his sister and he glared at him even though he couldn't see him.

Meanwhile Jayden who was sitted in the front seat turned to look at his side when felt like he was being watched and he saw a little boy standing by the door staring directly at him.

He saw the boy glare at him and he frowned when he noticed something. He noticed the boy's eyes, it was bright red.

A Vampire ?

Jayden became confused because Ashina had called them her family. She was human and the little boy glaring at him was a Vampire.

Or were her parents mixed ?

Like a Vampire and Human together.

He saw the boy entered back into the house and closed the door and he looked at his watch, it was just remaining four minutes left.

He rested his head against the headrest of the chair and he closed his eyes and he inhaled deeply as he breathed out and his mind went back earlier to when he had grabbed her face before she had gotten out of the car.

Her cheeks were so soft and those soft kissable lips of hers had been so tempting and it took all the willpower in him not to give in to the mate bond.

He could feel his gums itching him to mark his mate now that he has found her but he couldn't not when he didn't love her.

He knew if he eventually mark her the mate bond will make him want to be with her all the time. He would want to touch her, kiss her and protect her from any harms.

He didn't know what was wrong with him ever since he released her from the basement.

Sometimes he found himself thinking about her more often than before and no matter how hard he tried to stop thinking about her, he just couldn't it only got worse.

No matter how he tried to push her away from him he found himself wanting her to be closer to him that's why he had decided to go with her to park her things.

He could have sent Dexter to go with her but he didn't fancy the closeness between them.

She was meant to be by his side and not his Gamma but then he couldn't blame her. She was scared of him as he has put fear in her eyes so she was scared of being close to him and she chose to stay with Dexter who treated her nicely unlike him and he suddenly remembered Dexter's words that day in his room when he had locked her in the basement.

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