Chapter Sixteen

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“I cannot let you burn me up, nor can I resist you. No mere human can stand in a fire and not be consumed.”

Possession by A.S. Byatt

                           He Doesn't Treat Me Well

“ What ? Are being serious right now ” Chloe asked.

“ Of course would I be lying about such kind of thing, go on check our group chat on WhatsApp and see for yourself if I'm lying ” Bel said and Chloe immediately took her phone and tapped on the WhatsApp icon on her phone and immediately scrolled to the WhatsApp group while Ray continued to eat his sandwich as he watched both girls.

‘ Hi guys I really missed you both alot beep my phone when you're online love you guys ’ It was a simple message from Ashina.

“ Oh my God....It's true Bel she did send us a message ” Chloe gasped when she read the message and Bel rolled her eyes.

“ Of course I was telling the truth ” Bel said.

“ The message came in not long ago so what do you think should we video call her ” Chloe said.

“ Good thinking Clo” Ray said and she blushed as she tapped on the video call in the group and after a few minutes it got connected.

“ Hey look... She's online ” Bel said as they saw Ashina on the video call and they both screamed out excitedly that Ray had to close his ears.

“ Hi guys ” Ashina said with a bright smile on her face.

“ Hey Ashina how are you doing over there, gosh I miss you so much. You look more prettier is the Alpha treating you like a princess ” Chloe said and Ashina laughed. 

“ Omg clo shut up ” Bel said “ We all miss you Ashina don't mind Chloe you know how she talks ”.

“ We ? ” Ashina asked.

“ Yeah... Ray is here with us ” Chloe said and sat closer to him with her hand wrapped around his hand and she faced the video towards Ray so Ashina could see him.

“ Hi Ashina ” He waved at Ashina giving her a gorgeous smile and Ashina smiled back at him but her attention was on Chloe's hand wrapped around his hand and her head filled with many thoughts.

“ Hi Ray...How have you been ” Ashina asked trying to take her off her mind in their entwined hands.

“ Been good thanks to Chloe for uplifting the spell from me if not I don't know what would have happened by now ” Ray said.

“ Oh..The spell, that's right how did everything go ”

“ Well it didn't really go well I'm sure your friends will fill you in later but right now your whereabouts is our concern ” Ray said with a serious face.

“ Yes... Where are you right now Ashina ” Bel asked and Ashina face fell sadly.

“ Seriously guys I don't know where the hell I am yet, ever since I was taken by the Alpha who claimed to be my mate. I have never been outside the mansion to familiarize the environment ” Ashina answered.

“ But why not ? ” Chloe asked.

“ Why do you look sad Ashina, Doesn't he treats you well ” Bel asked.

“ Of course not, he doesn't treats me well. You both know how much I don't wanna be the mate of a Werewolf and you both knows that Werewolves don't like humans like me because they see us as nothing but weak creatures ”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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