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Alaisha POV:

It had been a week since I talked to Zariyah. She hadn't reached out or anything and it's not like I really expected her to after what I did.

I remembered everything that happened after I woke up from my nap that day, I texted her and apologized. She forgave me and asked to talk in person but I never responded.

It's not because I'm mad at her or anything it's just I don't know what's going on with me and she makes me feel stuff that I don't know how to handle at all.

I also haven't left my apartment for a week, I'm entirely too scared to face her. I've just been door dashing food and watching tv.

I haven't even been reading my books seeing as those are what got me here in the first place.

I've been texting my sister and we decided it best to just see each other when we're both ready, we text 24/7 well we did up until 2 days ago. Now we just FaceTime all the time. She's a bit skinnier than me but not in a she needs to eat more kind of way, it's just I'm thick and curvy while she's got a lil sum. Other than that we still look alike so that fear is gone, oh and she cut her dreads when she was saved now she just wears her natural hair out and curly, she said it felt like too much of a reminder of the past.

I had just got done taking a long relaxing bath and was about to change into my outfit when I heard a knock at the door.

I had on my underwear and bra and I would've took my time to finish getting dressed but they were knocking pretty urgently.

I just threw on my robe and as I walked to the door.

I went to my bookshelf by the door and unlocked my safe just incase I needed to grab my gun on short notice.

I looked through the peephole and saw Taliah, Zariyahs sister. I opened the door with a confused look on my face.

"Oh thank god you're alive". She let out a breath she had been holding and grabbed her chest dramatically. "Can I come in", she asked with a bright smile on her face.

Before I could even answer she lightly brushed passed me and waddled inside. "Um did you need something".

"Oh yeah my bad go ahead and sit, we need to talk". I looked at her like she was crazy because the way she just came in here she definitely was.

"I know you didn't just walk in here like this is your house, you got me messed up". She looked at me with wide eyes then laughed.

I was still holding the door while looking around. "Girl what you looking for". "I'm trying to find who you're talking to and what the hell is so funny".

After that she just laughed again but i didn't find anything funny. I like her and all she's nice but she just came in here like she owns the place.

Then I remembered her sister literally owns the place. I sighed and closed the door and sat down on the couch near her.

"Thank you". I just nodded my head. "Mmmhm".

"Okay so you're probably wondering why I'm here unannounced". I nodded my head "yes I really really am".

She went from looking happy and bubbly to serious within seconds. "You seem nice, Diana, Alaisha. Whatever you want to be called. I like your vibe but I can tell you got some other stuff going on. One thing about me I will never judge a person based off first impressions so I've been kind and welcoming always wouldn't you agree".

I nodded my head yes honestly because why lie. She has been very nice to me while I've just been, me.

"Okay cool and I'd say my sister has been more than nice to you". My eyes went wide for a second then I changed my expression back to being unfazed.

"I don't know what you got going on, I don't know who you are or where your from but the last thing I'm going to allow you to do is just hurt my sister like she means nothing".

My heart rate picked up and I began to feel bad again for the whole situation with Zariyah.

"I didn't mean to hurt her she got all close and stuff, I didn't know what she was doing and my instinct took over.

She shook her head and laughed. "Girl I'm not talking about you kicking her, me being her sister I'm sure she deserved that". I let out a small laugh then she straight faced me again.

"Then what are you referring to". She sighed and started rubbing her head.

"I'm talking about the fact that you've been ghosting her for a whole week like she doesn't mean shit at all".

I instantly felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I hadn't realized she cared I was avoiding her I assumed me hiding was just me being delusional.

"That wasn't my intention". She made a face that I couldn't read the stood up and walked towards the door. "It doesn't matter what your intentions were, you still did it. She really likes you, i don't know what happened between y'all that night and that morning but yall need to talk and fix it, im tired of seeing her moping around like somebody died". I nodded my head and with that she left.

I didn't know what to do, obviously I like Zariyah but I have no idea what to do with these feelings, I've been practically on my own for years.

On top of that I pushed all my emotions down and locked them away, my sister coming back was like the key to the door keeping them hidden and when I found out she was alive everything came flooding back.

It's like Styles just expected me to know what the hell to do, I haven't lived a "normal" life in years how am I supposed to now.

~2 hours later~

I walked out my building and headed across the street to my sisters building. I went to her apartment number and for a minute I just stood there, hands sweating and heart racing.

I knocked on the door and stepped back a bit. A few seconds later the door swung open. I froze, eyes wide seeing my best friend in person for the first time in years.

"Lai-" I threw myself forward and hugged her like I wished I could so many times over the past 3 years. "I'm so sorry". I cried out.

She hugged me back and we both cried. "I should've co- come the second I f-found out you you were a- alive". I started to cry harder.

We were now on the floor holding each other. "I missed you too" I heard her say barely even a whisper.

I sat up to look at her clearly, I grabbed her face and just looked at her. I started crying again but not as hard, she put her hands on either side of my face as well and we rested our foreheads against each others.

"It wasn't your fault". I was confused for a minute so I sat up and cocked my head. "Stop blaming yourself for what happened, you had nothing to do with it, you had no idea I was alive and I know for a fact you would've found me if you knew". I shook my head and calmed my breathing.

"You were out there alone for 3 years and I-" she cut me off "and you were alone too".

After a few minutes we finally got up, we talked for hours and I told her everything and she did the same.

We both agreed we need to do our bests to put ourselves out there and work for the lives we originally wanted. She told me I should stop being weird and just talk to Zariyah.

She also told me about this boy she was crushing on at a coffee shop close by.

Malisha Is one of the strongest people I know, she went through so much for 3 years all by herself and she still found a way to be positive after.

Seeing her told me that if she could do it I absolutely can too.


Awhhhh that was sweet. Honestly not a big fan of this page butttt it's okay it'll get better.

Don't forget to vote and comment🫶🏽

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