Muichiro catch up

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So a lot of people have been asking why I didn't make Muichiro and I'll say it now. I didn't make him because he's a minor. But a lot of people really want to see what he'd be like if he was a parent so...I guess I can make Muichiro.

🌫Muichiro Tokito🌫

How he got you

Muichiro had just slay a cave full of demons when he came across an injured women. Her wounds were too severe to be healed. Muichiro noticed that she was holding a baby girl/boy. The women on the brink of death, gently layed her baby on ground in front of Muichiro before failing on her side.

Women: Please....Take good care of her/him...

Muichiro walked over and felt the women's pulse. The women was already dead now. Muichiro sighed and got up to leave when he heard crying. He turned his head back and saw the baby now crying. Muichiro walked over and picked the baby up.

Muichiro: Why is this baby here...? Was it here before...?

Either way, Muichiro took the baby out and went to find someone for them to take her/him. But no one wanted to take her/him because of the birthmark on her/his face that looked like a bullet hole. Muichiro really didn't know what to do, he himself was too young and didn't know much about taking care of children but he had no other choice. No one wanted to take her/him and he couldn't just leave her/him where a demon could get to her/him. So he made one of the biggest decision he has ever made in his life.

Muichiro: I guess I have no choice...Do you have a name...? Probably not...I guess Y/n will do...

Muichiro walked away with Y/n in his arms. He first went to the butterfly mansion to get some advice from Shinobu. After a small check up and some other stuff, Shinobu turned to Muichiro and handed Y/n back.

Shinobu: Now, Taking care of a child is a very big responsibility.

Muichiro: I'm old enough to know what to do...

Shinobu: Says the one who came to me for advice.

Muichiro: Says the one who has the most of relation to that of a moth...

Shinobu: 💢💢💢...Just be responsible, Tokito.

Muichiro: I will...

Muichiro walked out of Shinobu's office and went to his astate.

🌫Muichiro Tokito🌫

First Night

Muichiro got home and put Y/n down on his bed. He dug through the bag that Shinobu gave him of everything he needed to take care of Y/n and pulled out some baby food and fed Y/n. It was a little struggle but he finally managed to get Y/n well fed. Muichiro then picked Y/n up and gave her/him a bath, gave her/him new clothes, and went to put her to sleep. It was actually quite easy.

Muichiro: Hmm...That was easy...I guess I should get some sleep too...

Muichiro walked to his room and got ready for bed. Later throughout the night, he heard a cry. He got up and walked to the room he put Y/n in. He walked in and saw Y/n crying. Muichiro sighed and walked over to her crib. He picked her up and cradled her for a bit. In a matter for seconds, Y/n was fast asleep. Muichiro put her back down in her crib.

Muichiro: ...Why am I in here again...?

🌫Muichiro Tokito🌫


Muichiro was just making him and Y/n a snack when he turned to look and saw Y/n chewing on the handle of the spoon. He freaked out a little and pulled it out of her/his mouth.

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