When you have a crush(Girl verison)

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🌊Giyuu Tomioka🌊

Y/n was trying in the library, getting a book she/he needed when she/he heard a sound of struggle. She/He followed the sound until she/he saw a girl trying to reach for a book but couldn't get it. She/He walked over to the girl.

Y/n: Would you like some help?

G/n: Oh yes, I can't reach that book up there.

Y/n looked up at the book she was pointing to. Y/n reached up and grabbed the book and gave it to her.

Y/n: Here you go.

G/n: Wow! Thank you so much!

Y/n: You're welcome.

Y/n attempted to walked to walk away but the girl followed after her/him.

G/n: Hey wait- What's your name?

Y/n: Y/n Tomioka...What about you?

G/n: Oh, My name is G/n Iguro.

Y/n: It's nice to meet you, G/n.

G/n: It was nice meeting you too!

G/n skipped away happily. Y/n turned away and walked away.

Y/n: G/n...I like that name...

🦋Shinobu Kocho🦋

Y/n was sitting in class when the teacher announced that there was a new student. Y/n looked up to see a girl standing at the front of the class. Y/n had to admit that this girl was beautiful. The girl walked over and sat next to Y/n.

G/n: Hi.

Y/n: Oh, Hello there.

G/n: My name is G/n Kanroji.

Y/n: I'm Y/n Kocho, it's lovely meeting you.

G/n: I like your butterfly pin!

Y/n: Thank you, My mother gave it to me.

G/n: You got that from your mother?

Y/n: Yes.

G/n: That's so sweet!

Y/n: Thank you.

Soon, the class started. Y/n sneaked glances at G/n name. Eventually, it clicked in Y/n that she was developing a crush on G/n. After school, Y/n went home and found her/his mother in the kitchen making dinner.

Shinobu: Oh, Good evening Y/n. How was school?

Y/n thought for a moment. She/He smiled while blushing.

Y/n: Amazing...

🔥Kyojuro Rengoku🔥

Y/n was eating in a restaurant. But when she/he was about to pay, she/he realized that she/he left her wallet at home. She/He started to panic.

Y/n: Oh no I forget my wallet. What am I gonna do...?

As Y/n was panicking, A girl sat across from from her/him.

G/n: Are you okay...?

Y/n: No! I forgot my wallet and I don't know how I'm going to pay for my food...

G/n: I could pay for it...

Y/n: Really...?

G/n: Of course...

Y/n: Oh my gosh! Thank you so much!

G/n: Your welcome...I'm G/n Tomioka...

Y/n: I'm Y/n Rengoku.

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