26 Kevin/ Marie

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      Kevin pov
            After leaving the restaurant I couldn't get the smile off of my face. The first thing I thought of was to call my mother and tell her about the barbecue with Marie and her family on saturday. The amount of screaming that came from my mother's end of the line was hysterical. She started panicking about what to bring as a side dish, dessert, and main course dish. My mother was born and raised a southern belle. To say I was excited about meeting her friends and brother again is an understatement. When we were all in college together they were some fun people to hang around with. Those boys were crazy and really overprotective of Marie. Not going to lie I am terrified about meeting her parents. From what I understand they never even showed up to Austin and Marie's wedding. Because they didn't approve of the Union between the two. Not going to say I disagree, guy was a complete asshole. How could someone cheat constantly on such a great person. He traded a diamond for a lump of coal which I'll never understand. As I arrived home I immediately hopped in the shower to get ready for work the next day. 
         As my alarm rings signaling I have to go to work I feel butterflies in my stomach knowing I'll see her soon. I've had a crush on this girl since college freshman year. I have a shower and do my morning routine and eat breakfast, after everything I head to my office. After exiting my car and heading into the entrance I see the sperm donor. Upon seeing him the first thing I do is call security to come have him escorted off my property and have them call the police. Listening to him scream about how I've left him penniless and he has a child to support I can't help but chuckle. So with absolutely no sympathy I say.
         "You screwed my girlfriend behind my back and you expect me to forgive you and give you money. Are you that delusional? You cheated on my mother! You're nothing but a scumbag I'll never help you. Your whole entire family is now on welfare. You're whore is sitting in a jail cell a waiting sentencing. You have charges pending against you as we speak. What makes you think that I would do anything to ever help you? As far as I'm concerned you can crawl back into the dumpster you crawled out of and die. I don't have a father, you are never there anyway. You're nothing but a sperm donor and that's it and weren't even good for that. I never understood what Mom saw in you. I always told her she was too good for you and for her to leave your sorry ass. I'm just glad she did and now your penniless living on the street like the bum you are. Now the cops are coming to arrest you for trespassing as you are not allowed on any of my properties I own. Along with everything my mother own. Goodbye loser. "
      After those parting words I immediately walk into the building and contact my mother. Listening to her laugh after telling her what I said to that loser she just told me what a good boy I was and told me how much she loved me. Then she informed me that I better look my best Saturday to impress my new in-laws which made me laugh. It made me realize how much I value my mom and how lucky I am that she is who she is. Hearing my phone ring again I look to see that it's Marie calling to confirm that I will be able to make it on Saturday with my mom. After confirming she said she was looking forward to us coming and that her parents are looking forward to me coming and looking forward to meeting the two of us. With a smile I got to work knowing that Saturday was going to be a great day.
         Marie POV
       Getting off the phone with Kevin I can't help but be excited that he and his mother are going to be able to make it to our get together. Mom and Dad will be here later today and Danny is driving me nuts. Nana has already grounded the two of us four times already and beat Danny twice with her wooden spoon. Won't lie that was probably the best time of my life. Until she chased me with the broom that is and I ran like the coward I am. As I'm sitting in my study reading a book my phone rings and I see it's my mom texting me that her and my dad will be here Saturday morning and to please stop antagonizing Nana. I immediately start to laugh and go and find Danny and show him the text. We both start laughing when Lorenzo comes and kisses me on the head asking what's so funny and we show him the text. As we're all laughing Nana comes over to give us a drink and we all give her a hug and a kiss and apologize for being brats. To what she says did your parents tell you to be nicer to me and we reply with a yes ma'am. She giggles at us and calls us brat as she walks away with her tray and tells us not to fill up on the snacks as dinner will be done soon and we're having lasagna. As soon as she walks away I'm immediately thrown into a headlock by Danny and Lorenzo immediately starts tickling me to the point I almost pee my pants. As soon as this happened the first thing I do is scream for Nana who comes running with her spoon and her broom and chases those two asses away from me. Laughing I sit down with my book and enjoy the show as I watch my nana chase around one of my best friends and my idiot brother while I eat all the snacks and text back and forth with Kevin. I wonder if it's to early to having extreme feelings for him? Oh well guess we will see how it goes on Saturday after he meets the parents. Oh that reminds me Austin has until tomorrow to pay up or go to jail. Is it bad I hope he doesn't have the money to pay and gets put in jail? Well we shall see what happens tomorrow.

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