Operation: Break Out

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I don't own this picture!


We are in the dojo and Raph and Donnie are sparring together. 

"Don't worry, Donnie. I'm in a good mood today. I'll go easy on you." Raph stated. 

"Don't do me any favors, Raph. Um, in fact, maybe you'll be the one who gets gone easy on by me. So yeah." Donnie stated, trying to smack talk. 

"Worst smack talk ever." Mikey muttered and I nodded. 

"Hajime!" Father stated. 

Raph rushed toward Donnie as he spun his staff and knocked Raph's knees and off his feet.

"Hey! I got him! April, did you see?" Donnie asked.  

April shrugs happily, Raph catches him in his sai then swings him.

"Say hi to Mikey. Hi, Mikey!" Raph said, the last part was high-pitched. 

"Donnie, ha ha! Amazing! I didn't even see his lips move. He's like a puppet who can throw his voice to himself. Wait." Mikey stated. 

"Yame! Raphael, that is enough." Father stated. 

Raph throws Donnie onto the ground.

"Thanks for going easy on me. Ugh." Raph stated. 

After training all of us are in the living room. 

"What the heck was that?" Donnie asked Raph. 

"What? Just having fun. You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet." Raph stated. 

"Dude! April was watching." Donnie stated. 

"Pretty sure she liked it too. Wait, you still think you have a shot with her?" Raph asked. 

"Well I mean, I-" Donnie said. 

"Wow! That is so adorable! And sad. It's 'sadorable'. If you want to impress April, better leave me out of it." Raph stated. 

"Not bad! Needs more drums!" Mikey stated. 

April opened up an email, and suddenly she heard scrambled sounds.

"What was that?" I asked. 

"I don't know. Some random email I got. It just started playing by itself." April stated. 

"Sounds like some sort of telemetric sine wave sub carrier." Donnie stated. 

"Uh, dumb that down a notch?" Leo asked. 

"It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi-" Donnie stated. 

Mikey stops Donnie, putting his finger to his mouth and shaking his head.

"Not enough notches." Mikey stated. 

"A secret message, guys." I stated. 

"Who would be sending me a secret message?" April asked. 

Later that night we all fell asleep and I was still having nightmares about my uncle and my parents. 

I woke up early and went to sleep on the couch. 

"Anyone seen Donnie?" Leo asked me and then he saw me on the couch. 

"Hey, little sis? You okay?" Leo asked. 

I didn't respond, I was so absorbed in my head until I felt Leo pulling me into a hug. 

"Another nightmare?" Leo asked and I nodded. 

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