The Invasion part 2

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"Invasion! That's right, folks. The aliens are back! Robots are emerging from portals! UFOs are everywhere! A giant alien brain is stomping through the east village!" Carlos stated on the TV. 

Kirby huddles on the couch while the rest of us watch the news after the screen went static.

"Yeah, I'd say we're basically doomed." Donnie stated. 

"This is all my fault. If I hadn't brought Irma to the lair..." April stated. 

"You can't blame yourself, April." I stated. 

"Yeah, we can do that for you." Mikey stated and I hit him upside the head. 

"I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna find your brothers and Casey." April stated. 

"You can't go out there, April! You have to stay with me. I'm scared." Kirby stated. 

"What is taking those two so long? I hope they aren't having trouble. I better check on them." I muttered to myself. 

"Your entire planet will transform!" Kraang stated. 

"Raph, what is going on?" Casey asked. 

"The Kraang perfected the mutagen! They want to turn Earth into Dimension X!" Raph stated. 

"Wicked!" Casey exclaimed. 

"Wicked? Are you crazy?" Raph asked. 

"Took the words right out of my mouth, Raph." I muttered. 

"Goodbye, lower lifeforms." Kraang stated, as the Earth Protection Force and the police got involved. 

"Now's our chance! Run!" Raph shouted. 

"But it was just getting awesome." Casey stated. 

"Oh Casey, how reckless you can be sometimes." I muttered. 

"Stop hiding behind your Footbots! Face me, Shredder!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Leo, you idiot! What are you doing?!" I shouted. 

"You are beneath me, turtle." Shredder stated. 

"Y/n? What's wrong?!" Karai asked, worried. 

"It's Leo, he's challenging the Shredder." I stated. 

"You should let me finish him, Master." Tiger Claw stated. 

"Not yet. I want to see him suffer." Shredder stated and that struck a nerve. 

"Not if I have anything to say and or do about it." I stated as I jumped to ground from April's apartment balcony and ran to Leo as fast as I could. 

I could Leatherhead and Otōsan and they were working together to find us. 

I found Leo and he was fighting the robots. But then, one made him trip to the bottom of the site. He comes out of the water, panting hard. He stood up and faced his enemies, gasping and breathing, looking completely chilled.

"Now you may finish him." Shredder stated. 

"NO!" I screamed as I jumped in front as Tiger Claw, Fishface and Rahzar tried to attack Leo, but I managed to wind them with one hard and fast swipe of my katana. 

"You want my brother, your henchmen will have to go through me, Uncle Saki." I stated as gagged in my head for calling him that. 

"Y/n?" Leo asked as I turned to face him and sat on my knees to look him in the eyes. 

TMNT 2012: Y/n HamatoWhere stories live. Discover now