Follow the Leader

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I don't own this picture! 


My brothers and I decided to split up and search for more mutagen and I managed to find five in a hour. 

After I found the mutagen I decided to go meet up with my brothers and I found them on a rooftop. 

"We've been looking for mutagen for days now, dudes. This is so boring. I'm gonna scream." Mikey stated as he let out a long scream. 

"We have to do it Mikey; if someone got there hands on that mutagen, who knows what they'd do with it? They might hurt themselves or worse." I stated. 

"Okay, okay, we get it, Mikey. We'll take a little break and do something fun. Cool?" Leo asked. 

"Sweet. Whoo-hoo-hoo! Awesome." Donnie, Raph and Mikey stated in unison. 

"Training session. Yes!" Leo stated and Donnie, Raph and Mikey groaned.  

"Guys, sensei wants me to train you, and that's what I'm gonna do. You see Dragon gate over there?" Leo asked and my other brothers and I nodded. 

"I'm gonna defend it, like king of the mountain, okay? Now, the only way you can get past me is to use traditional close-quarters fighting. Got it?" Leo asked. 

"Whatever you say, fearless leader. Let's just get it over with." Raph stated as we head over the building. 

"Guys, I've got an idea." Raph stated as he whispered something to us. 

Later, Leo began to balance on the wires of the lights. Mikey puts on his music player.

"What's up, ninja?" Mikey asked. 

"What are you doing, Mikey?" Leo asked. 

Mikey continues on dancing while Leo tries to use his attacks.

"Real funny. Come on." Leo stated. 

Mikey dodges and gets to the other side.

"Made it. Ha! Whoo!" Mikey stated. 

"Oh, that's not fair! That was not a real fight. Okay." Leo stated. 

I went next and I used my ninja stars at Leo. Leo deflects them.

"Ow! Are you kidding me, Y/n?" Leo asked. 

I make it to the other side.

"Queen of the mountain, baby! Ha!" I said. 

"That's my little ninja sister." Mikey said. 

"So what's your trick gonna be?" Leo asked. 

"Tricks? What are you guys talking about?" Raph asked. 

Raph throws his Sai and Leo blocks it.

"Hey. Ninjas never throw their weapons." Leo stated. 

Leo gets knocked down off the hanging lights and the three boys make it. Leo's katana fell beside that spelled Lame o Nardo.

"All right! Whoo-hoo!" Me, Donnie, Raph and Mikey cheer. 

"Why do you always undermine my training?" Leo asked, angrily.

"You just want us to fight exactly like you fight, but the whole point is to make it to the Dragon gate any way we can, right?" Raph asked. 

All except Leo and I leave, Leo looks at his sword, and is upset with his brothers not listening to him. 

"I'm sorry you looked down on like that by Raph. For what it's worth, I think you're an amazing leader. Are you perfect? No, but then again, who is? You're still learning like the rest of us." I stated. 

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