Of Rats and Men

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I was out with April, Casey and Irma, but I told Father I was would be back before the training session began. 

"I know they claimed that pizza was gluten free, but I definitely tasted gluten." Irma stated. 

"Thanks for hanging out with us on our date, Irma. We really needed a chaperone." Casey stated, sarcastically putting an arm around and my eyes go wide. 

"Anything I can do to help. Um, who said this was a date, Casey?" Irma asked. 

"Yah! What the.." Casey said as he jumped on me and he landed on top of me. 

"Um, Casey, do you mind getting off of me?" I asked, blushing really hard. 

"Oh, right. Sorry, N/n." Casey said, getting off me and helping me up and I could see a blush on his face. 

"I can't believe someone as big as you. Is afraid of a little rat." Irma stated as a cat go after the rat. 

"And I can't believe that rat. Was afraid of this adorable little kitty. Aw." I stated as I picked her up. 

"I mean, rats are relatively harmless. They also share many similarities to humans, which is why they're used in scientific experiments." Irma stated. 

"Does she ever shut up?" Casey asked, annoyed. 

"Little kitty doesn't have any tags. We can't just leave her here." April stated. 

"Don't look at me. I'm more of a rat person." Irma stated. 

"Maybe I could take her, my brother will absolutely adore her, as long as she stays away from my room. I don't her getting hurt by my dr-dog." I stated, almost saying 'dragon'. 

"I didn't know you had a dog." Irma stated. 

"Oh, yeah we got her last weekend. Still getting used to her new home, that's why I haven't let anyone over." I stated.  

Something clattered as me, April and Casey leave.

"Catch you later, Irma. Got to find this kitty a home." April stated. 

I run ahead of April and Casey, but not before giving the cat to April and I made into the dojo, just in time. 

"Hello, my daughter. I see you made it just in time." Father stated. 

"Yeah, sorry Father. I got held up. Irma wouldn't stop talking." I stated as I did some kick stretches.  

"I don't know, Master Splinter. This doesn't seem fair." Leo stated. 

"I assure you, it isn't." Father stated, with a blindfold on. 

Leo draws katana, and attacks, Splinter dodges, Leo misses, Raph, Donnie and Mikey laugh.

"Oh, man." Mikey said. 

"A swing and a miss." Raph stated. 

"Blind fighting is more than honing your other senses. It is about perception and giving the illusion of control." Father stated. 

Leo dodged but misses again.

"You may think you have the upper hand. In the situation, but.. You do not." Father stated. 

Leo charges but Father dodged his attack. Father ended up pinning Leo to the floor and Donnie, Raph and Mikey began to laugh.

"Looks like someone needs a shower." Mikey stated. 

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