The lurking monster (Arc 1 finale)

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Bive peered into the hospital room, seeing crippled gradient lay on bed past the thin sheet separating him from the outside world. his eyes as wide as dinner plates, seemingly traumatized as Dr.Retro was running some tests.

This is not how she expected her weekend to go.

She gulped and stepped back from the crack of the door, nervously and guiltily fumbling with her hairy hands, watching as split stepped up with a homemade cake in her hands, 'We're sorry' was scribbled on its surface with icing, she smiled reassuringly to bive. The rest of the group waiting outside the door too. 

Unfortunately reddy had to go back, but hey, at least pilby and prototype were there, but both of them confused about the current situation as pest spoke to them about it.

"So..infected is a werewolf? And he was the one harassing you guys for months?" Prototype gave a weirded expression and tilted his head

"Basically I guess? 彼は全然似てないけど (He looks nothing like it though..)"

Pilby just stared in distress and disbelief, feeling tears well up in their eyes as they gripped on one their bandaged arm. "I...I didn't know..well...not until..."

"No time to cry caterpillar. For now we'll just apologize to the gradient then go see infected."

"Where is he anyways?" Prototype pointed out

"Mach said Dr.Retro took him once he'd calm down enough. And she'll let us meet after we talk to unpleasant first. 残念ながら(Unfortunately)"

Prototype looked at the slightly creaked door as the other either kept it to themselves or murmured to each other to at least try to keep their mind from being weighed down by all the new information suddenly thrown at them.

Prototype looked down and scanned the letter in his arm, it was given by Gregoriah, for he'd heard what went down and said that he wanted to send his condolences as well.

Prototype found this all to be so strange. Usually unpleasant was hated by the masses. Disliked and told to stay away, but what changed? What did the gradient do to suddenly get everyone worried for him?

Perhaps they realized their hate for the mute fellow was baseless, hurtful. Perhaps the act of unpleasant defending his only son showed them what it was really like, or maybe both reasons combined.

Prototype could only theorize enough as Dr.Retro stepped out of the room, indicating that he's free to visit now. Everyone tensed for a moment, and bive decided to take the cake from split, who looked at her gratefully, before everyone stepped into the room quietly.

Split sighed under her breath before pulling the curtain, catching the heavily injured gradient off guard, it flinched as some nervously smiled at him, and others just stared in concern at his condition, half of its body burned off, exposing deep red flesh, dosnet help that the Dra didn't was eating and chewing at his remaining hair in nervousness.

Unpleasant stared in confusion as he saw everyone, taking in the fact that they even chose to visit him. Bive cleared her throat 

"Oh uh- heyyy unpleasant.." she cracked a guilty grin, trying to act natural "how you feeling?"

unpleasnat glared at her before narrowing his eyes.

"Ok so, I know you're angry.."

"'An we're really sorry for the uh...stuf' that...went down...-" mark chimed.

"Indeed, you have my apologies as well."

"鉱山も(Mines too)" pest bowed down

"Meh 2...uhm.. surry :[" Poob blew their party horn weakly

"You have my condolences and deepest apologies. Gradient." Mach stepped in and furrowed her eyebrows in slight guilt.

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